General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker + Medallion question

Invoker + Medallion question in General Discussion

    So I have been trying this for about 5 games now, using medallion on Invoker. But the rub is, I want to do it with a quas wex build. Basically the same as ghostwalk/cold snap/orchid combo but I want to replace Orchid with Medallion. Is this viable? I haven't had much luck and the thing I seem to be missing is damage. Here's how I have been building it:

    Mid lane obviously.

    Starting items: RoB, GG Branch, Faerie Fire.
    1st courier: Magic wand, 2 clarities, brown boots
    2nd courier: RoB into Aquila, finish phase boots
    3rd courier: HOTD (20 attack speed and aura +4 stats seemed like a good early game item)
    4rd courier: medallion

    So at 18:00 I have these items: Phase boots, RoA, Magic Wand, Helm of the Dominator, Medallion

    So when I get all these items, it's 18:00 time on the game clock. I have 5 quas and 7 wex. Is this too late to do ghostwalk/cold snap ganks? Is this build even possible to make it work? I had my buddy play drow ranger in one of the games for the aura buff and that helped but without drow I havent had any luck.

    The reason I am trying this build is because I have played dozens of different types of invokers, and im always looking for new fun builds. If anyone has item suggestions or suggestions in general on how to make this work, please feel free.

    casual gamer

      man u cant bring creep with ghostwalk better midas or complete solar


        Rod of Atos is good on Invoker, but not Medallion


          edit: Would Drums be a good substitute for HOTD?

          But yeah, I need some sort of early game attack speed to keep cold snap proc'd. I know urn+orchid is the usual build for perma proc, but I am always trying new builds.

          casual gamer

            i guess

            u should get orchid if u want to do the cold snap thing, orchid and solar crest sounds lit


              I agree, but by that time (25-30 mins) the solo gank phase is over most of the time. I'm trying to be solo gank ready by 15 mins or so

              casual gamer

                u need to farm the orchid faster then :v


                  so what would my items be at 15-20 mins? phase orchid what else?

                  casual gamer

                    i cant play invoker at all i justhink orchid is a must if ur going to gank with ghost/snap


                      Pretty sure you go for urn, phase, orchid, by min 15 on quas wex(not sure if Aquila is necessary if you buy urn, and urn helps a shitton with ganking/coldsnap procs)


                        no russian, did you read the entire post? this is all about testing new builds.


                          urn is good for qw voker

                          Catsys Rivers

                            RoA can be dropped for MoC easily for huge dps type heroes now. Its more offensive and will synergize better with levels and more int items like Orchid. You probably won't be able to afk farm mid lane without Sun Strike, so you'll have to gank pre Orchid and siege a few outer towers for net worth. After some examination, I believe Solar to be geared towards defensive types fully where as MoC can easily be picked up as an early mana regen and offensive type item for cores to replace RoA. Assuming you don't gank and actually afk farm, you could probably have Phase, MoC, Orchid and Deso by 15-18 minutes with a fair amount of ease. That is assuming your Ancient isn't under attack by that point because you pretty much did the equivalent of jungling without ganking.