General Discussion

General DiscussionReport for Account Buyers thoughts?

Report for Account Buyers thoughts? in General Discussion

    we probably need a report for account buyers like -25 to them even if he won the game the thing is we need a report for it.


      I rather report techies player because they will drop quite fast(accbuyer)


        no we dont, everryone is having bad games and days and u cant group up and remove 25 mmr from someone who won even if he got carried, also u wouldnt report this guy if he carried you right? free 25mmr u feel me?

        try to increase your brain usage

        just curious
        what kind of acc buyers do u usually meet in 3k ?

        The Medic Guy

          i don't know why people get reported for picking a hero

          i would rather report those account buyer, smurfer , and booster

          Player 404335202

            Its just trend that if xyz plays bad then xyz is acc buyer

            Hide The Pain - Herald

              I just got carried by a techies 2 games ago, quite an eye-opener really. Never judge before a game!