General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to reach Clinkz's max potential?

How to reach Clinkz's max potential? in General Discussion

    Clinkz imo is the fastest pos 1 that can come online, also not a very farm dependent hero like other pos 1 like AM, Spectre, but can deal respectable to IMBA damage levels at late game like the aforementioned heroes. I'm confused that the hero dont get picked more at NS.

    So what must be done to be good at him?


      sorry. me diselexia I saw how to climax haha


        By not being dead since he's paper af

        casual gamer

          buy pike deso orchid kill shit

          if ur behind buy blink and play pve while everyone chases you. you take rax faster than they do


            My build is deso diffusal orchid because it maximizes the pick off damage, and after that build items that is fit for countering enemy heroes. Death Pact makes him ~50% more health, the damage boost is also nice.

            This hero does IMBA level of damage at any time, yet is rarely picked.


              You need good level of understanding and your posision is very very crucial. He dont have ability to flash farm


                Farm is not very important on clinkz imo, and timing your entrance to a fight is the key


                  Ya i know but if you need deso + bkb and you are fine in terms of item

                  MICHAEL KLUMP

                    Watch ybicanobooov's streams

                    MICHAEL KLUMP

                      And it is related to ur range of mmr


                        Is there any pro player whose Clinkz is godly?






                              I will get banned for this i think lol

                              MICHAEL KLUMP

                                Watch ybicanobooov if u r 2k-4k mmr. If it is higher than 4k watch arteezy


                                  hit buildings u win the game

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    This will sound really dumb but my problem with clinkz has always been no slow. Like if you are drow and open up on someone with frost arrows they cannot escape, you easily strafe them. On sniper too, shrapnel, headshot, plus sniper attacks slower so easier to to move between attacks. Viper obviously no issues. On clinkz you get that small strafe window since I think you usually just put 1 or 2 in strafe to start while you max other stuff. His base speed is not particularly fast and everyone goes treads on him. So I'll run up to someone, pop strafe and unload but they just run away, strafe wears off, hard to finish them. I know it sounds retarded but I find it harder to stick to targets on clinkz than most other ranged heroes and often times they just run back to towers or teammates before dying. Do you just use attack move? Even then he's often not fast enough to keep up so you'd better start firing at close range I guess. Supports will stun and slow you and run away.

                                    So what's the trick? Diffusal would be sweet but you don't want to burn all your charges. Going a snare item like s&y sounds awful, going a move speed item like s&y or phase boots sounds awful, going skadi is not good buildup.

                                    мне похуй на игру

                                      Build Blade Mail and Octarine to reach the maximum potential.


                                        i think he has potential when playing against hardcore noobs.


                                          Any hero has potential when played against hardcore noobs

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            deso first? is this a 10 minute deso? i doubt many people can get 10-12 minute deso without boots/treads first. Orchid build later than 30 minute is practically useless like those 20 minute jungle LC builds. You orchid two people in jungle and the game is over cuz they pushing high ground at 35-50 minutes already.

                                            And diffusal build? sounds like something a 2k jug would build first. Late game diffusal so useless amirite? You're doing 36 magic damage and they're doing 230% crits and ministuns.


                                              Maybe the key is to buy dlance and your positioning. I think the best time to get diffu is after your deso or deso bkb. Is clinks comparable to weaver or not