General Discussion

General DiscussionRed days... feelsbad

Red days... feelsbad in General Discussion

    Apart from taking a break, whats your best strat to untilt yourself after some bad days?

    Do you take a few days break or just a couple of hours?

    cheers mates

    Player 404335202

      Losing every game ! On main and even on smurf !
      Fcuk dotska , RIP those safelnae carries who pick first and say 'trust me ' ,
      One the way to delete dota and play somw other games


        I try to stop when I lose twice in a row, for at least a couple of hours


          Play some brainless FPS or smth. Eat a book maybe?

          Ave with an internet pfp

            Banana helps with depression and emoji moment , i eat them if i get 2 lose , wash my face and move on

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Keep play until I win back the mmr I lost.
              Last time I start with 2 lose on the day,end up player for about 10hours and no only get back mmr but +50 :smile:


                @bon bon, good idea about game swap! I should do that and adopt the two loss policy.

                I had a lion in my last game go 1,3, 3 , two points in manadrain against a DarkSeer , MK and Tree combo.
                when i asked him why get two points in mana drain because DS kept surging away he said " So DS has no mana to surge and ION shell" DS had a Soul ring..

                We got our MK fb on him, then with level 2 he got mana drain instead of hex , DS still got money from LH with ion shell but stayed lvl 1 until about min 2, when he got his bounty rune. We go on him with his soul ring and wow!!! wouldn't ya know he got away with 40hp from surge because we couldn't lock him down cause LION didn't get hex. That is when i fucking lost it. All the bad games in a row and I was ok, but then this lion did that stupid play and I was tilted. 1000% To compound that problem of me tilting, I had suggested he last pick disruptor to lockdown DS for EZ game, " I can't play"

                He then went on to blame the carry (MK)who was getting zoned out by Ion shells and lacked farm ( to be expected) and flamed pretty hard on MK.

                Anyways sorry for the rant and rave, slightly theraputic , please someone just pat me on the back and say " I know those feels bro, it will be ok"


                  i tried that too yesterday, win 2 lose 1, then proceeded to lose 5 extra.

                  Jonas Kahnwald

                    When I lose, I just turn off my computer, then open the speakers, music. Weed.



                      Why not pick a better support, like Necro? Espsecially with an OD on your team. = more lockdown especially on the Slark.

                      You be the lane support / help Lion roam and get kills to put pressure of the Safe lane - when DS is alone just kill the blue devil.


                        had I known DS was coming out i Would have gone disruptor , not necro support. necro isn't really lockdown
                        Necro is an offalner who usually goes into a carry.

                        even Kunkka would have done well, X when he surges
