General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on Meepo this patch?

Thoughts on Meepo this patch? in General Discussion
Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

    Hi guys! I'm a new Meepo spammer (originally started playing it as a meme because my friend said I could never play micro intensive heroes + always wondered why I would get rekt by 5k+ Meepos with my friends in party ranked). I'm just a SEA scrub and my winrate is currently at 46% because the first 30 games were crazy for me. XD I would always panic during clashes and didn't know what to look at, but when I got to around 50 things started just getting easier. Muscle memory finally kicking in. I'm generally doing fine except games with Ember, Wyvern and a good Sven. Yeah there's a lot of normal skill + HS Meepo games if any of you check because I practice with some of my 2k friends to help them out with their quests. I'm like sub 4k because I don't play solo at all, calibrated at 3.5 and then left it there til the TI's pseudo calib and got to 3.9 pretty easily and left it at sub 4k because I couldn't play every game trying to stop my teammates from flaming one another lmao. Anyway,

    - What are your thoughts on him this patch aside from the fact that the new net makes heroes with channeling strong against him (Enigma etc.)?

    - I might get flamed, but do you recommend spamming him? I honestly just want to play as many games with him as I can. I've had a couple games where I couldn't get mid and started him in the jungle off the bat with an iron talon and things are generally slow until I hit lvl 3 and I become a monster at clearing the jungle esp. because of all the shrines available (I can jungle faster if I use the shrines closer closer to the river when teammates need it, but I try to not use them as much as possible cause pubs tilt from the simplest of things). I'm usually calm so I don't get that angry from losing games, what tilts me usually is my teammates flaming each other for petty reasons. Plus, with jungle Meepo I actually can still be lvl 10 by like 8-9min sometimes higher than my midlaner.

    - I know getting a jungler is really greedy and forces someone to go position 7 support, but I honestly just want more Meepo practice. I'll probably start going full meepo solo queue when I hit 130~ games and edge out some of my other mistakes. I don't know just how fast the common junglers do (Like LC, bloodseeker, WK etc.) But I feel like Meepo is just one of those heroes that snowballs really fast even if it's a jungle start. If I jungle I try to rush my treads and maybe 1 DL before my dagger depending on the game, and I don't afk farm unless my lanes are doing well, but my ganks usually only start happening when I get lvl 10 (3 meepos) unless the lanes are getting shitty.

    - Thoughts on aghs? I generally like to skip it all together as the stats from an Eblade (crazy dps + push potential) / Skadi (tanking up if they have high burst heroes) / Hex (if I need to lock someone down like Sven before his BKB)

    - When do you get your BoTs now? This is one of my bigger problems atm as the 2.5k spent for it doesn't seem as good as using that money to get another eblade etc. Plus, treads is just sooo good now on him. Tbh, I've only gotten BoTs in games which are way over (Racks down etc.) Or games wherein 5 man clashes are hard (Wyvern generally) and i need to separate them from each other and I know they have poor push potential.


      - I might get flamed, but do you recommend spamming him? I honestly just want to play as many games with him as I can.

      If you want to improve with the hero, you've gotta continuously play it. So by all means, keep playing meepo, but leave it in unranked matches like you currently are.

      Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

        I'd like to eventually start spamming him in my solo queue ranked, and I've had experience playing against sub 5k and slightly above 5k players (Although they were all party ranked, game averages were usually like around 4.3-4.8) Not saying that i'm a 5k Meepo or anything, but there's a huge skill gap between my current MMR's payer base and so I think I could exploit that. When do you think would be best? Although you're right. Definitely going to be playing more unranked. I actually learn a lot of small new small things as my games go on and I still constantly search up 7k Meepo games from and the desperity is insane. Though I have a question with Meepo I'd like to ask players who frequent him.

        - When you go up against strong mid layers do you adjust abandon the lane instead of dying? Or do you still keep 1 clone mid and prime clearing jungle + bounty runes for exp / Kill off the remaining wave before they hit the tower or do you bring both to jungle to clear camps faster. This is pre leve 10 btw because when I hit I usually have 1 in lane and 2 in jungle. Because I know with the current Meepo my goal is still to be able to be 1-2 levels above current time (lvl 14 if time is 12min and 100CS every 10min).


          new patch made him a situational hero. Now hes better against certain heroes with the new root but worse against most heroes. 6.88 was the time to spam meepo u're a bit late.


            I'm not a Meepo player so I couldn't tell you specific facts about him, but you should get the basics of Meepo down in lower ranked matches, and then try and play higher ranked matches when you feel comfortable on him so that you can improve.

            Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

              ^ I was going to say I disagree with you comment, but I checked your dotabuff and saw almost 500 Meepo games. Haha. Yeah, I'm a little late with the "spam hero" patch because I don't play solo queue or grind at all. Although, don't you think that it's more outplay then the actual line up? Tbh, I feel with the higher skill cap games I've lost they're generally only because the games stretched beyond 30min and thus weakening his power spike. Though, I know what you mean by weaker against most. The net nerf was pretty hard. Worst feeling is getting straight TP-ed out by someone when you just got your dagger, but in these situations I tend to rush my hex over an eblade, though it forces me to fight good fights because I lack the dmg and push potential an eblade gives.


                He is still a great hero in the right hands, and tbh u shud just spam whatever is most fun for u cuz otherwise spamming can become miserable. Gl in solo queue :)


                  A rare wholesome post from Daddy. Please treasure this moment, OP.

                  мне похуй на игру

                    A dogshit hero for the lowskilled players



                      1. meepo is great in da patch and if anyone wants to pick meepo "situationally" he's not gonna pick him. i remember my first times i wanted to pick meepo i always was like damn they got that hero, maybe next game. and the hero pool of "that hero" was like 50 heroes of the game. so basically pick him and dont fear 1 or 2 enemy picks but do fear more than 2 because if you dont win early 3 counters are gonna remove u in a sec

                      2.rn attacker meepo is so good and ofc u know the build (pt 2xlance blink eblade/eye)

                      and also do spam him my avgs went from 450 and 170 to 600+ and 300+ in like 5 meepo matches!


                        A dogshit hero for the lowskilled players

                        Dota is a dogshit game for lowskilled people

                        Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                          ^ Sia

                          Yeah, I actually enjoy playing against Meepo counters. It makes the game much more interesting for me and helps me adjust so I don't do the same shit every game. I generally don't mind playing against his counters until the game gets like 35+ onwards. When Sven gets like BKB and daeda, Lich aghs, Wyvern with a FS (or actually anyone with a FS). I feel like the whole "situational pick only" only works if it's like 5vs5 and coordination is generally better. But if it's solo queue then i'm not as worried because there's a lot of disconnect between the enemy team (ofcourse their main goal is to still eliminate me asap).


                            You understand meepo alot despite you just started playing him. You're on the right way. Dont get scared because they "tried to" counter pick you. I always smile and then make them regret their decision after they pick earth shaker-lich-ember to counter me. Coz the only real counter to meepo is Sven and wyvern. wyvern can be outplayed but you dont have much options against sven. And you understand that meepo gets weaker after 30 min mark which some people fails to understand and tries to play him as safelane hard carry. Most experienced meepo players panics if they fail to end the game before 40 min. Because you are already 25 level and 6 slotted at 30-35 min so you cannot get stronger anymore but your enemies always can. Btw i really recommend you to play him only mid.

                            - When you go up against strong mid layers do you adjust abandon the lane instead of dying?

                            i dont know what you mean by strong layers but the only hero that scares me to play against in mid is q-w voker. For other heroes, I either kill them or force them to refill his health. Its not as hard as it sounds like. meepo and broodmother has the most solo kill potential at level 3 while most mid heroes must wait till they are 6. But its a nightmare if enemy support does not leave middle. If that happens, i poof enemy creeps inside my tower range and then farm 1 jungle camp while enemy midder pushes the lane again. I repeat this process until i'm ready for a gank and it has potential to gain more exp-gold then sticking to 1 lane.

                            Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                              ^Shit sorry, I meant midlaners* haha. Same. The only heroes I hate going up against honestly is Invoker and Ember. Invoker mainly because of the cold snap makes it annoying to get away. Thank you! It actually means a lot coming from another Cancer spammer, I generally like doing a ton of researching + replay analysis of higher level players when I try to learn a hero rather then trying to spam him my own way because it'll just form scrub habbits that are hard to get out of if you continue playing that way. I'm also pretty anal about my losses, I don't blame people or flame I usually just sit down and see where I went wrong. Like sometimes I just accidentally get picked off with aegis and I consider that game losing because with aegis I can generally get most of their outer towers at lvl 14~ / 2DLs.

                              Tbh, I don't mind WW as much because usually the people that pick WW after me are only picking it because I picked Meepo first. Most aren't playing it decently and just hoping to get a good R on me. Sometimes I do niche stuff like SB > Hex and then pick off Wyvern from the backlines. I think one time I built manta style so when I jumped wyvern he didn't realize the meepo clones didn't poof in, but just appeared and then waited for Curse to end and reset. Haha.

                              I actually didn't know how strong Meepo was 1vs1 until I saw Chappie solo kill a QoP lvl 3. I generally used to hold my 2nd point until I can lvl 2 poof and lvl 3 clone. I used to just poof farm and that's it. When the enemy is around half hp and you hit lvl 3 you can hold the skill point until you hit the first net >skill clone > hit > net with clone then double poof. That completely blew my mind. Haha.

                              I also hate playing Meepo safelane, I really need access to the jungle. I feel like mid or greedy jungle is the way to go, I think if i'm forced to jungle i'm better or rushing a dagger or just 1 DL before the dagger to make up for us lacking a support.


                                I had trouble playing with braindead mids
                                Let alone meepo
                                I'll just bump and try to learn some stuff


                                  holy shit. this thread is a giant wall of text


                                    play him if you like the hero
                                    meepo is worse than dota 6 when you could get 10+cs/min every game and net stopped channeling
                                    now you have to stack early game stats and can't farm for shit
                                    it's still good tho, gameplay changed a bit but you can carry games anyway

                                    - yes you can jungle meepo and gank, it's good
                                    - Thoughts on aghs? i get it if i'm not countered
                                    - When do you get your BoTs now? as late as possibile, this is very important. With the new shrine and backpack you better skip them and keep treads, it's almost a dragon lance worth of stats