General Discussion

General DiscussionShould the NS, HS, and VHS tags be removed?

Should the NS, HS, and VHS tags be removed? in General Discussion
basement :)

    They are meaningless and cause the most cancerous threads on Dotabuff.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      They should add one more SHS.
      3.8K VHS 9K also VHS but the skill gap is soooo big it's not fair


        I'm fine with it, but then again if the bracketing system is removed people will just say "how to get 4k hidden mmr?" or "how to calibrate at 4k?"


          Nah they should change the mmr brackets VHS would be 7k and above, HS 5k - 6.9k, NS 5k below.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I even expect them to add UltraHS, MegaHS, GodlikeHS for the higher MMRs


              it should be bracket a b c d

              it's exactly like our schools' grading system (great, very good, good, needs more effort) fucking 5/20 doesnt need effort needs to khs

              Player 123655765

                how else would these retarded kids boast their supremacy in the game if there would be no meaningless labels?


                  Why would they remove it. It's from valve. And it drives traffic to sites like dotabuff.


                    3.7k VHS LUL


                      But, but, how else would we get gems like this:

                      As you can see, Normal MM, PA called me a "3k scrub"

                      In a normal game

                      While he has 2.6k party mmr



                        I don't understand why 3.8 is VHS. Is that because of the spread of the player base? I have heard that if you are 3.5k you are higher MMR than 75% of the active player base. Idk, 3.8 being VHS doesn't make sense where there are 9k players out there.

                        Story Time

                          it is like quantiles top quantile is VHS, Third one is HS and the bottom two are NS


                            I doubt top 25% deserves to get called Very High Skill in any game
                            Come on out of 9 million weebs I'm on rank 72k on osu and I'm not even close to being decent at it(and its not exactly a game that allows smurfs get away easily)


                              VHS should be 5k