General Discussion

General Discussionhi i wanna spam Io to 6k

hi i wanna spam Io to 6k in General Discussion

    I know basics .
    just tell me item build and why?
    Any protip ?
    normal skill pls no comment :(((




        use ur mic, the rest doesnt matter

        Giff me Wingman

          Speaking of IO, can someone send me playerlink of that legendary IO player?

          Ghastly Wail
            Ghastly Wail

              @Danishblunt i think you mean this guy?


                you talking about fadiflash? the guy that got 7k and fell to 5k


                  Go for it man you can do it.


                    Talon bottle max w Lul


                      Pretty sure u go something like armlet sb mjollnir silver edge heart. Maybe a bloodthorn or ac. Max balls then overcharge, tether value point. Go mid. Ez win.


                        lul i lost but my carry went afk but stil i did good and think io is strong i laning stage the problem is when heroes get lvl 4 nukes and u die by 2 spells but the hero early owns probably later to but i still cant do that good


                          ^if ur carries r bad take the carry role


                            Io is separated unit in doto, once you get in you would love that if youre kind of person who like to help, and all around nice that hero is for you,dont listen these smurfers and forum trash talkers who always say play him as carry, you can do that only after you absolutely master him, io requires huge amount of skill and practice, theres a quite few tricky stuff behind it, play him as support and try learn master your spirits (toke me around 100 games).
                            Io is most fun hero to play for me.


                              fadi almost fell to 4k

                              GII is definitely the guy to look for


                                Mr. Coockie how you know that he fell to 4k? I couldn't bealive he was like 6k?




                                    why u los so much with IO Pippo ?


                                      After 100 games i had wr like 38% 200 games i was about 40% so i still keep improving, i never will be suprised but even get there (close 50% wr) is fuc.king hard especially when you solo q..ppl on my bracket have no idea what is going on, thats why i propably hit 600 comends yesterday.
                                      yeah im scrub but all my winning games a did much more work for team that on any other i said io is really special


                                        i know bro but u should die less XD


                                          u die way too muich sometimes when u cant save beter b than feed XD


                                            Yeah lately i having rly bad times im quite sad about so i tried also jungle lately into carry, which i did well in game yesterday,i had no motivation to keep playing ranked since i cant beat 2.6 peak...but actually this topic help me find motivation again lol ill spam him as no brainer


                                              idk i usualy have 100 to 150 apm o n any hero yuresterday i had 300 apm on IO Xd idk fcking how ididnt do nothing
                                              i love heal overcharge but its hard when enemie pick tinker u get rekt fast