General Discussion


Razer 377i

    Everyone was angry specially pinoys in SEA Region, not even a single team invited on the kiev major, In terms of performance no doubt that TNC should be invited since they are the champions of WESG instead VG.J got the final slot.

    Many bloggers didn't expect that.

    What are your thoughts guys?

    Cancer Malaria

      maybe because of TNC last performance at Starladder cause Valve to have second thoughts, but still why the hell wings was first invited i will never know


        Well even tho Wings had a terrible run this year they are still the recent winner of TI6 and won the aegis.

        Sad tho no SEA teams that was directly invited.


          no one cares about sea dota outside of sea

          Razer 377i

            @Cancer But still TNC has a good performance at Starladder, they even defeated Team Secret in 2-0 series but its questionable why no SEA Direct Invite.

            Razer 377i

              @TripleSteal We will see, When TNC made it to qualifiers and be part of the majors and have a good run and that's the time people will take care about SEA DOTO, be aware

              Cancer Malaria

                I'm from SEA myself, but its hard to say that SEA will have an easy run to become TI champions, the closest we ever gotten was Team Oranges placing Top 3 in 2013 and then Fnatic placing top 4 in 2016. The only known SEA player to ever become a TI winner was ChuaN from Malaysia when he was apart of Invictus Gaming back in 2012.


                  Faceless seems to rape tnc anyday, never seen that tnc stand to faceless. One slot sure go to faceless. The other one is not yet sure cuz wg, tnc,exec seems too close. We wont see tnc in kiev

                  Cancer Malaria

                    i was hoping Exercration to get the invites since Boston Major they couldn't make it, sad day for Doto SEA team


                      2 slots for SEA, dont you see it?

                      there are just too many teams worthy of invites compared to tnc and faceless.

                      valve cant decide between warriors unity, tnc and faceless, so let them fight each other.


                        Ppl in sea don't care about sea doto either


                          Sea player only love navi lmao gg


                            Believe in Mushi new team :)

                            Feichang Gaoxing

                              Mushi sucks

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                WG.Unity good 8ks


                                  sea is shit tbh VGj is imba only

                                  Razer 377i

                                    @zDonFreak I was talking about Direct Invite not qualifier, by the way keep me update on your friends MMR once he done on calibration :)


                                      i am more surprised that og didint invite me as solo jungle to their team :(


                                        Think abt it like this, u basically have eg, og, liquid, and dc are practically locked in. Eg was 3rd at ti, 4th at boston, and won dotapit. Og won boston and 2nd at dotapit. Liquid won SL-i league and dreamleague. Dc were top 4 at boston, 2nd at ti, and won esl one genting. Those r locked for sure. After that pretty sure AF get in because they were 2nd at boston, even tho they didnt do well afterwards, losing to bears and such, the way valve sends invites the top 3-4 from the previous major almost always get invites to the next one unless they have major roster changes. Wings is also hard to knock off because they won ti, and a bad performance at boston isnt as telling because it was single elim. Then u have newbee who is dominating chinese dota, and they were second at esl one genting. This gives 7 slots, and i dont think valve wud give 7 invites and just give SEA, an extra qualifier bid. For the last spot there is an argument for fL, TNC, or VGJ, but out of all of them VGJ is the better team, placing 2nd at starladder and qualifying for DAC. If u want to argue for an SEA team it wudnt even be TNC, because fL is better. TNC did win WESG but that tournament only allowed teams where everyone was the same nationality, so they competed against teams like C9 and Alliance, which doesnt say much. Fl placed 3rd at dotapit and qualified for DAC, against better and bigger name teams. However i dont think this trumps VGJ, especially with their veteran roster, big names from old times (rOTK, fy). Its not surprising because SEA's great players like MidOne, Abed, 343, QO, and others are now on Secret, Onyx, Bears, and wanteD respectively.


                                          SEA deserves more shit that goes along with their shitty playstyle, NOT Major invites. SEA teams are going to place 15 and 16.


                                            ^Let this be a lesson young ones. You either leave the trench or stay in there long enough to become benao. Dont become benao.


                                              Btw sea teams rnt good but sea players will place well i guarentee it. Rn a lot of the skilled sea players are in non sea teams.

                                                Razer 377i

                                                  @kr have you made a research on WESG tournament? haha funny kid


                                                    Tnc beat c9 and alliance which says nothing cuz all 3 r kinda bad. At least tnc can say they made top 5 at ti?


                                                      Let it be known nahaz predicted every single invite watch his vid

                                                      The Kid LAROI.

                                                        Sea retarded player know only navi , and they dont even care for the direct invite, they only care about navi so retarded


                                                          U good?