General Discussion

General DiscussionThose games that just PURELY your team FAULT, share your tilt here

Those games that just PURELY your team FAULT, share your tilt here in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee



    my luna feeding early i can understand vs 3 heroes is hard
    then i see my luna build

    0 16
    go to T1 alone with no vision and die ???? (t2 radiant down , no vision , all team in base)
    i climb to 4k for this???? i mean i do not mind lost but this?????

    Share your daily tilt , i want to see those triggering games (pls suffer like me XD)


      Dont worry jusst channel your tilt to tryhard and bam ez +1000 mmr


        Must be a newbee Luna picker testing the hero out hahaha, there are actually people like that you know testing heroes on rank matches and theres a lot of them hahaha


          If u have a hard lane there's no point maxing the Q


            Juggernaut battle fury and alchemist pick after I pick AM I was against bloodseeker
            10/10 double vitality booster best build 2k17

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Someone test solo SF in ma match it's ok OP more love less destruction :smile:




                  You go for 4-1-1-1 build even in hard lane. With that you can gain from a hard lane with kills and with lv 2 ult you start taking the game


                    2 of my recent matches had a teammate pick EShaker different players, same mindset steal my CS, then doesn't ward, flying courier timing too long, and prioritizes Blink dagger rather than vision lol.

                    I tilted so hard when I was POS 1 Spec and POS 3 Balanar I became the warder of my team then they blame me for not having items and missed the timing of my AGHS for Balanar.


                      You don't pick spectre and place wards
                      Your ult gives global vision


                        What can I do I tilted you know, most of my games I played support and then when I play Carry or offlane then having these types of teammates for support really disappoints me since I'm a frequent support picker and then sees this monkeys that have no or little brains and doesn't know what they are doing.


                          when i play normal and solo q on eu servers, wage 250, expect it someone will throw the game.
                          cuz since ur the only one who wagered and since they dont have a battle pass. they wont lose anything even if they lose so expect the trolls
                          and thats it. cancer players is rampant now in dota 2.
                          valve should be fixing this that they need to understand how others throw the game when they know u wage a great deal of coins. cuz its so unfair that u cant level up in battle pass because of the cancer players. totally waste of money and should i call it scam?


                            I'll have games where Im playing mid sniper and I give my team one task. Go. Push. instead it is only three of us pushing while the carry thinks he needs to farm more even though they have more late game carries than us.

                            I tilt and type 'stop ur retarded shit luna/slark/carry and jus come push with us' but they either dont reply because they are one of those silent shitheads who dont understand hat dota is a teamgame and that communication is key or they are russian.

                            At the end of the day, I know that it's just one type of game that I'll have once in every 30-50 games so 'shit happens'.


                              ^ Yeah those guys too that like to AFK farm and don't know when is the best timing to push they're everywhere.

                              Giff me Wingman

                                200GPM 4 9 14 slardar.

                                clearly teams fault

                                ✪ Ben Dover

                                  when my 0/0/0 void carry has a 4cs/min free farm for 30 mins
                                  when my NP jungles for 20 mins straight and then finally decided to push into 5 heroes.
                                  when their slard/cm/ogre (3v1 or something) rotates and tower dives mid 4 times and your team goes "ez mid ez game, report noob feeder"

                                  but the most annoying, when they force a useless bad fight, without our carry and just go 3v5 on enemy highground. 2 fights later were losing. or against some matchups that you simply cant win on hg and you tell them "let them push, we cant fight in their base" and team goes "PUSH MEED, NID TO FINISH"

                                  when enemy has a 2nd or 3rd pick techies and my team goes 5 melee. 80 mins of game win but we cant touch throne. you know this will happen since min 0

                                  when my carry is farming a lane, suddenly 5 enemies go missing from mid, my carry dies and blames wards. because brain ward is too mainstream.



                                    Nobody else in this team bought any dust or sentries until minute 35. All detection against weaver and shadow blades was on me.
                                    Take a look at slark's skill build if you want to have a good laugh. His reasoning was "I have no mana for Q", with a fucking CM in his team

                                    At least it was unranked


                                      Jungler flaming people for losing lanes.
                                      Playing support and feeling helpless because none of my cores know how to turn an advantage into a win.
                                      Playing support and getting frustrated because no one will listen when I try to organize a smoke.
                                      Playing core and getting frustrated when no one buys smokes.
                                      Playing core and the support/s don't know when and where to ward.
                                      Last pick AM mid and WK support.
                                      Treant farming lanes like a pos 1.

                                      End my suffering.

                                      casual gamer

                                        you definitely max lucent beam as luna when ur behind. so you can kill poeple and come back into the game and turn ganks on you and generally not be a creep for the next 25 minutes

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          team picks magnus sniper and lc (A FUCKING JUNGLE LC), I pick lion, enemy team has rubick and sb running a trilane, last pick goes medusa for offlane. You know what happens next.

                                          casual gamer

                                            the medusa gets free levels and is unkillable due to mana shield

                                            at level 5 they dive her under tower, with stick and mana snake she turns on them and kills all three

                                            then she hits lvl 7. she slowly zones the carry out of lane with snake and by now has phase-aquila-dragon lance

                                            did i win???


                                              the best comeback ive seen with luna was going ags after lance. i blink call 4 people with her ult on me and blademail, they all died even though they had twice our farm.

                                              dont go ags if your ahead, it wont let you farm the whole map and seige, but honestly its not that garb if behind and your only hope is fights.


                                                My friends and I were in a party of 3, my supposedly safelane carry Slark with Rubick supporting him and I was going mid.

                                                But then our teammates were like "We take top because we need to farm" and at the beginning of the game, they immediately went to top lane - we assumed they were going to pull off something great being that confident, especially with a possible skewer-storm bolt combo. So as stupid as it may sound, my friend was forced to play offlane Slark.

                                                Then, instead of laning together, Magnus went solo safelane (not reporting missing enemy heroes and all) and Sven decided to Jungle.

                                                About 15-20 minutes into the game we were all dying because of their deaths in top lane, no reporting, and stupid selfishness.

                                                My friend (Slark) and I decided to throw the game. It was my first time throwing ever, and even our opponents agreed that Sven and Magnus played like crap.


                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  ^Huh?I just have a game with 2 jungler in my team and jugg/enigma/alchemist all solo laning.
                                                  and I solo won it by highest HD/HEAL/BD.
                                                  Be like me noworry


                                                    SF feed mid pudge 5 times then throw in a towel and cop out


                                                    I reported that cuck for intentional feeding, An hours later. I received an additional report as the said SF player got booted to LP.


                                                      ^ i hope i never see u in my games ever
                                                      dont ever que eu

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        No jdf8 u fucking didnt LUL