depends on the game, if u will farm (u can't make moves, for example - waiting dagger from offlane and enemy team can't force u fight for next 5+ minutes after u bought midas, why not? but if u need to pressure them, better to buy armlet ofc
Bsj (7.6k) who is a lifestealer player will go hand of Midas sometimes, depending on the game. I believe it is a good pick up, and in my 4k games I'll go it and do just fine, that being said there have been times that I've gotten greedy and went for it, then the enemy team pushed early and I don't have my items. So be smart with the buy and you'll
Be good
this is the dumbest idea ever, don't go midas, you will be far scarier with any standard naix item
Sometimes it works, sometimes it backfires...if you make good call and buy midas, and everything works out, you are going to have most fun game of your life, if not, you make bad call with midas, you might be flamed to death and beyond. It is always better to go with standard more safe build, at least ou can work with something early game.
it's EXTREMELY situational, 95% of the time you don't wanna go late with ls, and midas is only really good in longer games.
No it's horrible. Lifestealer's power peak is right after he gets armlet + echo/desolater, right in that 15-20 min range. After that he starts to get outclassed by late game carries and supports who can survive through his rage long enough to disable him. Going midas you won't hit your windows.
do you think it's good? i saw many players doing this
i think it's bad but i'm not a naix player