General Discussion

General Discussionwhy valve

why valve in General Discussion
shadow feed

    Topic i always get vhs non ranked, and play with avrg 4-5 k player, but why when i play ranked calibrating, first game play with avrg 4.7 k vhs and i win it, but 3 game after that i play with 3.5 k and high skill, and i still win for 4 game now


      3.5 max calibration now numnuts

      Story Time

        how many times people will write those silly posts instead of reading the news??

        shadow feed

          wtf 3.5 max??? so i cant get 4-5 k???



            shadow feed

              gg fast end


                if you are skillful and have like 60% winrate you should be 5k in around 100 games (unless you are smurf ofc)



                  you grind MMR like the good old boys....

                  Like rider said, if your as good as you think you are you will be at your MMR in no time...

                  If your stuck at 3.5k mmr then maybe you aren't as good as you think you are.

                  shadow feed

                    man, i hve 4.4 k mmr account but i forgot pas and email cause 1 year i busy working,, what can i do now,,, so long to climb 1000 mmr with toxic SEA server,,,


                      well that sucks for you. Guess you better use all that money from working and buy an Account.
                      Or keep better records of your passwords


                        ^ also if you were 4.4k a year ago it doesn't mean that you are now. Meta changes, plus you are rusty. So you know GRIND IT UP you fuck :D


                          ^ agreed
                          You may have spammed some broken shit a year ago to find that the map has changed, jungling is nerfed (still doesn't stop a jungler thou, they dont use logic) and FOTM heros have all changed.


                            Adapting and reataining your performance won't be hard if your finesses are mainly from strategic thinking and thoughts
                            Hell, I just came back to CSGO after half a year of inactivity and already got called as cheater again