General Discussion

General Discussion7.03 is out with juggernaut arcana as well

7.03 is out with juggernaut arcana as well in General Discussion

    Ok, so I have a serious question regarding all this. Is there any option/way/patch (official or unofficial) to turn off all these acranas with fancy effects and just set a default skin for all heroes or any particular hero? I feel like I'll become epileptic with all these flashes eventually. It also just distracts you from the game. So what's next? Are they going to add an arcana with fireworks show every time a hero last-hits a creep?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Level 25 Talent changed from -3s Shadow Strike Cooldown to Removed Shadow Strike Cooldown


        New qop meme. Lv 20 should makw shadowstrike aoe in 600 cast range. None of my hero is verf and some is buffed.