Radiance oct naga is good for split push
But 20-25 minutes spectre farming radiance...hmm?really a burden
It takes too long to farm. By the time you have radiance octarine manta it'll be like 30 minutes already.
So with rad u stagger the haunts for more burn but if u have smth like diffusal manta vang and skipped rad for later, then double haunting will have two illusions mana burning at once.
It was never truly meta, but it would take way too long to farm and you would run out of mana quite fast. Spamming Manta costs a lot.... also, unlike Naga, your Manta illusions wouldn't last nearly enough for you to make a dent in all three lanes.
With Radiance, you would want to Haunt, wait 7.5 seconds (Radiance burn lasts an extra 0.5), Refresh, Haunt, go in.
Radiance + Manta + Octarine will cost you a fortune though... if your team can hold off for that long and still be in great shape, you've pretty much won, regardless of your build.
There are better items for the same price
I don't like stacking haunt, feels like using refreshed black hole twice in a row
It's a cool meme build tho you can dagger so many people like you're PA and walk around everywhere like you have maphack
But seriously
If you need HP sustain so bad, you can get HoT and shit out dispersion damage
If you need some mana you get skadi
If you need to solve your haunt downtime problem (example = against global pressence rat heroes) you get refresher
Ok so I thought of this as a troll but with radiance and manta can't you become a pseudo naga? Also lower haunt cd.
Side question if you do haunt refresher haunt immediately do you get 2 haunt illusions or do the first haunt illusions die instantly like with manta? Basically can you have two haunts up at once?