General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i Feel bad about spamming a few heros to climb quickly?

Should i Feel bad about spamming a few heros to climb quickly? in General Discussion
Aomine Daiki

    I want 6k before taking my finals for this year, In the interest of time I intend on picking a few heroes I know i perform consistently on to a pretty high standard.

    Will this make me a worse player on the whole?

    Player 345068850

      I dont see a problem spamming the heros u good at


        I think you should not be giving a fuck about an arbitrary number for mmr when you have finals in a few months...what winrate do you think you could maintain to 6k? 60%? 200 games or so? Once you include queue time and thinking then that is going to be getting on for 200hrs over what timeframe? A month? 6hrs a day?

        You're probably better off not focusing on mmr till summer...

        GL though!

        casual gamer

          yes all skilled players hammer the random button every game and if u dont u have no integrity


            i feel bad when i spam the hero im good at


              Y would u feel bad for spamming some heroes? U get the +25, not them...


                Oh em gee u spam hiros rapartid

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  lol this thread


                    I spam heroes somehow I feel guilty and empty.I kept wrecking enemies with my sf and I'm like "whats the point of all this?"


                      Really depends on one's conscience. But really useful if you want to win some tournaments.


                        My playstyle is spam and switch. Lose one, spam another hero


                          whats the point of all this?

                          To quench your sadistic needs and epenis enlargement


                            why not ? as long as you can win the game and climb your mmr. its legal anyway.


                              @ Piff ,

                              Basically what rocket said. Nothing wrong with spamming a small hero pool to get to 6k. I think most of the higher MMR players have like 5-6 heros they play exclusively to rekt people with. However I would caution that it might be best to wait until summer and not forgo the required studying for your finals. Those finals have a greater significance then any MMR number of dota. Yes your Epeen will be massive, but at what cost?

                              I would skip that goal, and focus on the studying. I personally blew off studying years ago to play Dota 1 and failed a final in Biochem. That was at the time a $700 course down the shitter plus the time to redo the course. It was a huge mistake and I regretted it big time.

                              Just would hate to see someone make the same mistake. Casually play, but School> Dota.


                                But honestly I love seeing that (2356+25) green numbers.


                                  Why should you? there is nothing wrong with spamming Heroes tho.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Try hit 0.00 like how I do


                                      should you feel bad for winning ?


                                        If you play more than 10-15 heroes you may as well be randoming. Having 3-5 heroes you're comfortable with is fine. If you don't know how to play multiple positions that might be problematic, though.

                                        Aomine Daiki

                                          Alright seems good, Thanks for the advice peeps. @Rocket A really decent point actually, study comes first don't worry. I won't sacrifice my grades for mmr, luckily i don't have many friends so I don't need to do much apart from study and dota feelsBadManGun