General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to gain mmr in this patch sea server only

How to gain mmr in this patch sea server only in General Discussion

    how can i gain my mmr again? Theres always thrower in our team if they didnt have ward or tango or they want they throw.


      I have never played ranked but I can tell you one thing.
      Pick axe , Go jungle.


        same as any other server, by destroying the enemy ancient


          Nice cookie ill commend you 100x


            Cookie teach me how to destroy enemy acient teach me senpai


              Just pick axe ,believe me once. You can't dogde the call. That makes you win the game.
              Once I get ranked unlocked , I will spam axe not matter how much he is nerfed.
              Axe forever <3


                I get triggered by people who say "i play in SEA haHAA" like it fucking matters
                Ooooh on 2k EU people draft SD luna every game and win surgically ooooh oooh

                mr. rabbit

                  ^ so much this

                  server never matters actually its just that ur bad ur bracket is bad thats why ppl play bad


                    I nearly had a heart attack when they fucking drafted SD luna BS against my AM
                    Then they do typical 2k stuff so yea


                      No i think server matters even abed cant get 9k mmr on sea sever No pro gets a 9k at sea server

                      mr. rabbit

                        thing is ur not trying to get 9k

                        ur trying to get a matchmaking rating that's approximately 5000 lower than that


                          I can dodge the call with manta


                            Ahem Ahem.
                            You have to be perfectly perfect to do that.


                              But can you get manta before he gets dagger? :thinking:


                                dont comment if You want an arguement ur not helping btw pyontan


                                  I'm not arguing. I just played axe and I died like only 3 times against freckin 3 high magic dmg heroes.
                                  I just like axe.


                                    No no not you thay pyontan... Yea i know axe is good i always ban him or they always ban axe. Ill try to spam axe my mmr gets down when i play supp. I recently spam dazzle and vs but my carries cant carry


                                      Well thats a problem no one can solve. :laugh: becoz everyone wants to play carry and noone would pick support becoz they think its lame.


                                        cookie pls reply teach me how to get 5k mmr


                                          Yea they all want carry but always fail :(


                                            there's many ways, the easiest is dual offlane or roamer

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              Don't take lane resources,go jungle

                                              Just take most recent game for example- 17mit ago.


                                              9 under line
                                              Most kill, least death , most net ,Last hit , GPM , XPM , HD , HEAL , BD
                                              and if you look at the game play - I do all things alone all until the 2 hight ground pushing (ya I solo pushed 1 lane) T1-T3

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                im not arguing with anyone

                                                im just stating facts, facts that u dont want to admit to yourself because youre desperate to look for a reason that doesnt involve "you" and "bad" in the same sentence

                                                abed may not have ever gotten 9k in sea, but that doesnt erase the fact that a lot of people has reached 4k/5k/6k even 7k in sea. so why, then, are you thinking that the server is the problem if my previous point is true? im telling you its not the server thats holding you back, you can literally go and try to queue EU/US or whatever the hell faraway universe this server with no bad teammates/throwers comes from. but i assure you youre just gonna go back here and find more things to complain about

                                                you want real help? i'll give you one! its that youre actually holding yourself back with that mentality of yours where instead of looking for a way to improve yourself so you'll be able to win games on your own, youre just looking for excuses just so u can escape from admitting that ur not as good as u think you are

                                                not all help comes from sweet, sugary "i agree with you, and u can do it!" sentences. sometimes maybe u just have to interpret things a little bit differently




                                                    Okay, cookie what heroes should i play at offlane or roamer? I mean whats the best hero for offlane? sand king??


                                                      Icetea i domt want the jungle thing bcoz the teams gets weak at early stage its 4v5 if you jungle.


                                                        ^yet licetea is a 4k mmr player by purely playing jungle
                                                        really makes you think


                                                          Ignoring a good bitchslap advice and only replies to get answers of "ez way to gain mmr"
                                                          Typical smurf


                                                            Yea im smirf i play dota1 and im so new at dota2


                                                              Happy now? Godbless you all

                                                              all role player

                                                                Select meta tab on dotabuff
                                                                (Heroes -> meta)
                                                                You Will see winrate Hero for every bracket
                                                                Click what's your bracket And sort the winrate
                                                                Pick your Best hero with good wr More than 52℅
                                                                Spam That Hero And if u good u Will have 60℅+ wr with That Hero

                                                                all role player

                                                                  The winrate IMO is legit tho
                                                                  Abbadon with highest winrate according to dotabuff :


                                                                    @cutnpaste however if you look at it, how come midone and abed which were SEA server players reached 9k in NA servers. maybe the attitude of sea server players in general matter?