General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar's abilities got renamed

Slardar's abilities got renamed in General Discussion

    In patch 7.00 when Valve remodelled Slardar they also secretly renamed 3 of his abilities. Sprint is now Guardian Sprint, Bash is now Bash of the Deep and Amplify Damage is now Corrosive Haze.
    The first time I noticed the change was in the 7.03 patch notes where they referred to Amp damage as corrosive haze. I thought this was a mistake at first but after reading the latest Dotabuff Blog I realised the ability had actually been renamed.
    I do prefer the new names (the old ones were kinda boring and uninspired and in the case of Amp Damage, misleading) but seriously Volvo, couldn't you have told us you were doing this? Just a little note in the 7.00 log saying the abilities were renamed would have been enough.

    farming conduct (swap com...

      amplify dmg lowered armor hence increasing (amplifying) the dmg taken lmao


        I was very heartbroken when I found out about this.
        I noticed it when a Slardar on my team was alt-clicking his abilities and I didn't get WTF was he trying to say.


          @tf it was misleading because it only amped physical damage. The skill name implies that it just amplifies damage in general which is not how it works.