I guess mana issues. You should get soul ring , if you are going treads and switch treads while using soul ring. Treads is reasonable becoz of she doesn't have much health. Instead of veil you should go ather lens. And maybe get bloodstone after euls and octarine. Maybe heart?
Still better than retards' impactless SB bloodstone build
Fuck that shit is one of the most worthless pub build I've ever seen
I can definitely see that. At least on that pub build everything transitions nicely into late game.
I'd rather have an aghanim deso jugger on my team than that xd
What's the point of going exorcism and go invis "oh shit ghosts out of nowhere we ded gg"
That build was referred to the build he/she/it had mentioned in the previous post.
'Go like ye olde pub build on bnet, pt, eul, scythe, skadi, AC.'
Bloodstone late is useless
I can see soulring, being good, but i wud only get it if i was going bloodstone cuz id rather not use hp on dp. I like veil more than aether cuz u lifesteal more, but aether is also good.
I almost always go euls. Get a fucking blight stone too, don't be retarded like 99,9% of every other dota player. After euls shit is open to whatever you need. Linkens? bkb? heart? lothar? then sheep or lotus (but i dont recommend lotus, waste of gold)
or you could go the mek road then euls then mek upgraded. etc etc etc
Lotus is easily better than sb. Sb is so trash (wow i can dmg from invis xD *dusts*) suddenly everything even remotely useful is gone, since dp doesnt benefit from initiating with it or from the attack speed or dmg.
Blight stone on a hero lik dp is just unecessary, she already has pt, tp, veil/aether/drums/mek (early game item watever), bottle, wand and ur up to 4, with another relatively mid game item like euls ur stuffed and need to sell the blightstone in 10 ish min, all for -2 armor for dp? Not worth at least i think.
^tbh it doesnt sound that bad, but id rather have a support go solar and put it on people or dp herself than dp buy it
A team that doesnt suck and you're good to go imo. She can get focused pretty hard and without a competent carry to take over it's a loss.
she feels useless in those games where it is late game and ur not stupidly ahead and ur ulti is on cd
Im thinking build wise to go treads veil euls/ghost scepter bkb(if needed) octarine then either upgrade ghost scepter or go shivas or hex or even ac. Late game refresher. But she still has a trashy winrate.
So why is she bad, and what can make her better?