General Discussion

General DiscussionClimb to 5k as support is harder?

Climb to 5k as support is harder? in General Discussion

    I know it is possible but, my question is ..does it harder than playing as Carry / mid / off?


      It was way easier for me dude. Spammed clock sup, then cm and finally disruptor dang... im 5k


        tbh it's the easiest way to climb mmr if you're good at it, also offlane is the 2nd easiest.


          and carry is probably the next easiest and mid could be the last easiest one to climb imo


            it's easier, just slower


              I dont undestand your comment cokie, "easier , just slower" explain that. haha


                because you rely on teammates


                  I feel more comfortable to play as suport than playing as carry (at least in rankeds) playing as carry I feel a lot of pressure on me.


                    I think on such heroes as earth spirit, bh, bara or riki it will be easier


                      basically, you can be a good support while sucking on the mechanical side ( last hitting, poor keyboard skills) and get by with minimal actions.

                      case in point , ME!

                      I suck and do not possess the ability, mechanical skills to play invoker/ember at a high level.

                      I play orge Magi, I stun shit, plant wards, zone the offlaner, have good positioning, stack, blood lust my carry and basically GGWP.

                      All those things do no require macro, micro or fast hands. Its simple and easier to do. Don't get me wrong, all those things mentioned as a support are very important and take time to learn (zone offlaner properly, then pull while stacking while positioning is the hardest part) .

                      Some carries, like slark and jug do not require fast hand ussually, but I do not have the correct farm pattern down now. like most ppl here they stick to what they know. I play support/ offlaner cause im comfortable on those heros now and when trying to climb and get dem precious MMRS you play the heros you know.

                      I wouldn't dare start spamming Ember , even when he was meta with his broke ass talents. It would equal lost games and many reports (LP). Most players want to play core, which works out fine for me.

                      I just hate solo supporting pos 400 poverty support cause you got a Jungle magnus who goes iron talon shout and wants your tangos.... that is the shit side of supporting. Its so nice when your a pos 5 and your pos 4 actually buys dusts, smoke and wards on occasion.

                      As some other posters have said, going support means relying on your carries and thus putting more control over the fate of the game in someone else hands. If your the support get lots of kills you can still lose. If you were a core, and you get fat as fuck, well out side of some insane throws you will probably win the game.


                        You will reach 5k slowly because you rely on your carries to win the game.

                        So, yes it is harder than playing mid/carry/offlane.

                        Position 4 (transitioning to a carry) is the best in this meta in my opinion, second is mid/offlane.

                        positive mental attitude

                          cant you go carry and then rely to yourself? hows that.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            BITCH PLEASE,Jungle is hardest role


                              ^^ yes

                              Jungle is the hardest role.

                              what better way to put your team at a disadvantage then jungling.

                              I Quit Dota

                                Jungle carry is the way to go

                                Small Song

                                  ^^^ Isn't position 4 to carry usually offlane?


                                      It's not harder. It's easier. If you see any sup mains sub7k they're nearly all very bad mechanically. And they can't play cores at anywhere close to their mmr. Simply by having a dedicated support your team's winrate inflates and by spamming games you raise in mmr. Let's say a core-only player at 6k is forced to play sup. His winrate is gonna be horrible when he's in that position. But he keeps up his 6k. Then you have a player who spams supports and plays better on that role but is in 6k as him. Take him out of the support role and he's nowhere as close. So core players are better players in general and the difficulty is way harder. It's because core players are plentiful and there is a lack of supports. It could be very well reversed if many people wanted to play sup and none wanted to play core. Simple calculs


                                        Pretty sure climbing as support is easier option untill you are considerably higher mmr in most of your games like +500 or more
                                        So 6.5k or 7k but i dont have experience in that


                                              How can u game-select in 7.04?

                                              NPP ( NO PUSSY PLEASE )

                                                can u share some tips on whats the most effective way to learn support ? :D


                                                  pretty sure you can spam spirit breaker every game right now and get 5k


                                                    thx for the advices, I will give it a try soon :)


                                                      it's only mentally hard because you can watch enemy support doing jackshit and get away with it because his amazing team carries him


                                                        Why is my ace player supporting??

                                                        Savvy Cat

                                                          The most impact you can create since 7.x came out is the early and early mid game. Supporting should be a cake walk compared to what it was 1-2 years ago.