General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos Offlane

Necrophos Offlane in General Discussion

    He's a bit weak against consistent trilanes, but left solo against almost any traditional carry on equal levels almost guarantees a kill on the enemy carry. If they pop their stuns too early, just ghost shroud + tp out. What do you guys think?

    doc joferlyn simp

      still good, a bit greedy and needs a lot of farm to stay relevant because his right clicks are worth jack shit. there are better offlaners tho, something like nyx which still has a lot of solo kill potential, not to mention retarded mana burn, or possibly an sk who can impact a lot more with minimal farm


        necro right clicks rnt that bad, he has 40 dmg talent, buys treads, and int items too. ive been theorycrafting a new dank necro coming soon.

        Optimus Drip

          u can jungle necro a bit too if they trilane u