General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play vs Sniper

How do you play vs Sniper in General Discussion

    How are you supposed to high ground vs this hero without proper lineup, is it worth it to just focus him in the fight if you're safelane mid laner thats not storm spirit, is it worth it to just wait for him and focus him or fight with your team and get his team then push


      Jump on him, make him poor enough that u can go hg with ur tankiest carry with a solar crest on him


        Well u can keep enemy stuck on the highground and farm the whole map and then be so strong that sniper's right clicks and shrapnel just tickle a bit


          Blademail gives you somm time to catch him right?

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Split push other land HG when he busy shooting your mate.
            If it's a last lane splitP ancient and see which one sniper want to give up?

            PROBLEM --->SOLVED


              why the fuck < 1k mmr's giving advise lol...


                what inx4c said, i'd also suggest just to push 2 lanes at the same time after establishing an huge advantage if possible


                  He's not wrong tho


                    Spectre. If they run a sniper, you can run a spectre on safelane for sure. Haunt, jump sniper, kill him, profit.

                    Dire Wolf

                      If you have him high ground, just don't fucking dive and let them comeback as a team. There's no way they can keep up in farm if you farm the whole map and keep pushing in lanes and tick away at towers little by little. Sniper will get his farm, but your entire team will be farmed. The problem is most teams get really impatient and wipe a couple times and then opposing team is marching down mid to throne you while you have no buyback.

                      Eventually you'll find an opening.

                      And yes blademail is really good, especially if he goes all out rapier build.


                        @Dog here is a cancer we called smurfing, everyone here have smurf so dont let it confuse you, only Daddy is 1k who is theoretically 8k, ohh wait icetea as well, but anyway mmr is just a number and we 1ks all know we can outsmart 5ks ez


                          Blink dagger, burst him down. The only way. If it goes that late that you cannot execute that, you are also part of the reason that you are losing.


                            My ego is on new levels
                            Another one thinks im a smurf