General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe is the hero of 7.xx

Axe is the hero of 7.xx in General Discussion

    I dont think there is anyone who can counter so many heroes as Axe, i actually love that but seriously all melee heroes are countered by him, only ursa and lifestealer i see as good pick vs him from melee,all the range could somehow work but not if Axe initiate on them.

    What do you think, is he well balanced? Do you expect nerf next patch on him?


      1solommr wow gratz...whats ur real mmr ?


        ursa is shit vs axe too cause culling blade kills him on his enrage if its below 500 hp or 700 with ahg i tryed that ursa is actually bad vs him


          >plays axe at 1 mmr
          >ends with 33/0/6 versus the lowest skill people in the world
          >axe is immediately god-tier hero
          >makes a thread about it



            I think troll is ok against ax


              ^^ the guy is obv a 4k 5k player he lowered mmr on purpose


                i hope he isnt nerfed next patch, hes extremely fun to play. That said hes risen to the 7th most picked with a 55% winrate, which the IceFrog has surely noticed.

                ursa can destory axe early, and save himself later with aghs, but its still not that great of a matchup, the best counter is a teammate with a save-ability or a euls.

                Since he hasnt been that common in the pro games at DAC, i dont expect anything that big coming his way.


                  I think AbadDon is the hero of 7.00


                    Axe doesnt beat timbersaw and he is melee


                        I agree with @Retar.d ursa can...also i wish icefrau leave him as he is.
                        Abbadon is also very nice but not directly counter so many heroes, i like to pick him vs big ulti heroes or vs legion.
                        When you is must pick abbadon for you? Vs which hero you think is a beast? Thanks

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Axe is real good, he's a pubstomper like Ursa. All his talents are in his favor, mana regen good good. But the problem is... Offlane or Jungle?


                            ^Offlane. you won't get as good farm as you would if you were jungling (unless they really fuck up) but you mess with the enemy carry and force the supports to stay around.

                            in the offlane you should hope for tranq+vang+blink by 15 mins. obviously you can get it way sooner or way later depending on lane but anything before 15 is decent.

                            in the jungle you get talon+regen then get shield 1 salve and a qb asap, you should get boots vang blink by 11, but your making the lanes weaker.


                              I pick him always as counter their safelane hero, so its ez decision for me

                              Potato Marshal

                                I always liked Axe. Has basically a better, longer duration version of an aoe stun that goes through magic immunity.