General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the difference between pos. 4 and pos. 5?

What's the difference between pos. 4 and pos. 5? in General Discussion



      POS 5 priorities are the wards, smokes, and dust then proceed in purchasing they're utility items if they can like Force Staff, Glimmer, AGHS, etc....., while POS 4 buys utility items and they may also purchase wards, smokes, etc... and they are the ones who ganks while POS 5 are the baby sitters.


        ^lmao no

        pos 5 buy most of the utility items so that the pos 4 can afford items that can be considered core to playing 100% more effectively, like kotl aghs, lion dagger, aa midas, while still playing as support

        the playstyle doesnt differ much its just that the farm placement is different, hence their "position" ranking in farm (1 as highest 5 as lowest)


          pos 5 = ward bitch
          pos 4 = semi ward bitch


            Pos 5 support is usually almost completely item independent while pos 4 supports usually require at least small amounts of farm. For example kotl is pos 4 usually and disruptor is usually pos 5. However most supports can be played in either position i think.


              Pos 4 is like sf who need a small amount of farm while pos5 is like am who dont need anyfarm


                The main difference between Pos4 and Pos5 I think is that Pos4 needs something that makes it so that he's not necessarily taking up a farming role (1-3) but still needs to save up (Like Earthshaker/ Not-Jungling-Sand King grabbing blink dagger sometime before min20 immediately come to mind)
                Position 5 support can contribute without items for a good part of the game.

                I think it's important to note that these roles are more dynamic than the farming roles. The game may start off with a pos3 junging Crystal Maiden who tranistions into a pos5 unfarming roaming support and then pos4 for the rest of the game. You may find that the pos4 hero on your team has died a lot while the pos5 has netted a lot of kill gold and restrategize accordingly (if you're playing in a stack) but maybe that's overthinking things for a game where everyone wants to play their own game.

                casual gamer

                  also occasionally one support will have higher xp priority in the tail end of the laning phase and the other will prioritize roaming/warding. all this is super situational though so u cant really say anything is set in stone

                  almsot every support can play 4 but ithink some heroes are much much better 5s than others


                    You haven't played with naga AM before ._.

                    Président® Salted Butter

                      Pos 4 heroes are more greedy than pos 5 heroes, and usually need more items to be effective (pos 4 slardar needs his blink dagger, pos 4 abaddon needs his utility items), the pos 5 is the poor slave that generally is poor throughout the game because they are efffective even without much, so they can focus on buying wards, sentries, smokes and all that stuff