General Discussion

General DiscussionCan I be a pro player

Can I be a pro player in General Discussion

    I play dota 2 since october of 2014 and of course in the start of it I was noob and got 500 mmr I played a lot but 500 mmr players aren't so good so I left it and started watching pro players and after one year I started again and from 500 mmr I raised into 1700 mmr than I couldn't take more so I opened a new acc and got there 3183 mmr and I raised into 3458 and I ask myself can I be a pro player in Dota 2 one day. What do you think guys??

    fear is the mind killer

      get 8k first


        but I have friends 5k and more and I watched them 5k and up they play the same so I really should be more than 5k to be a pro player??

        casual gamer

          ya they play the same thats why u have the same mmr

          also all 5ks are pro level players lol xd kappa

          white boy summer

            well u left your main acc for a 3k acc so with that morality no

            Ramtin H

              If u wanna be a dota 2 pro player i guess u should Put UR LIFE on this game and play seriously and do stuffs like watching ur last replays or pro players play and .... It is all depends on how much u want to take dota 2 serious.


                you've played 100 games and raised your mmr by 300 half of which you've gained in the past two days on a winning streak. So unless you get much much better in a year I would say no.


                  first I didn't left the main acc I still play on it but only with friends second I watch my replays and ofc I see my mistakes and I learn from them and third what can u do when people pick carry and feed or pick all team carry no intiator no silence no stun and stuff like this


                    you can win the game because you are much better than your opponents. I won a game on a hero I don't play with a team that had no carry because I was much better than my opponents.


                      forreal guys FORREAL :|


                        ahahaahahahah ppl who are 6k dont even think that dota will make them earn some cash someday how about a 3k hahahahaha you are funny now go study or work


                          you're surreal if you think a 3k can compete with an 7-9k team

                          even if you and other 3-5k teammates made the best and most co-ordinated 3-5k avg team

                          you would have 0.00001% chance of winning a match against them.

                          because last time i've saw vroksnak did a casual 5 man stack with some 7k players he had multiple over 200 winstreaks against 3-5k players.

                          and this is just a casual retarded 5 stack of 7ks, a real tier 1 team would obliterate you so hard that they'd be speedrunning the time it takes for you to either rage abandon or literally kilyourself.

                          so if you think that some 3k shitter and his 5k shitter team can go pro then welcome to the club of every ego inflated scrub that never got anywhere nor ever will.


                            you're surreal if you think a 3k can compete with an 7-9k team
                            even if you and other 3-5k teammates made the best and most co-ordinated 3-5k avg team
                            you would have 0.00001% chance of winning a match against them.
                            because last time i've saw vroksnak did a casual 5 man stack with some 7k players he had multiple over 200 winstreaks against 3-5k players.
                            and this is just a casual retarded 5 stack of 7ks, a real tier 1 team would obliterate you so hard that they'd be speedrunning the time it takes for you to either rage abandon or literally kilyourself.
                            so if you think that some 3k shitter and his 5k shitter team can go pro then welcome to the club of every ego inflated scrub that never got anywhere nor ever will.



                              think about it, i , a shitty 5k, have gotten an 81 winstreak solo from 2k to 4k.

                              and there's players like bipdongoe or vaxa who if they wanted to could have an infinite winstreak in that region.

                              and those are just retarded boosters, a stack of 3-5k would LITERALLY never have a chance to get close to beating a t1 team.

                              why do you think that the seasoned pros almost never get replaced by new players?

                              BECAUSE THEY'RE JUST WAAAY better than 99% of the top 0.01% of the active playerbase

                              to note: in a competitive enviroment NOT retarded pub, if someone links me a game where arteezy and miracle got drunk and lost to a 5-6k stack i will kill them.


                                Now? No. You've got a long way to go before that's even remotely a possibility.


                                  as a 6k player, i said work for your dream. anyone can be a pro player, if they are dedicated enough.


                                    No, you can't. Don't take it badly, just find something else. I'm sure you're good at something, don't waste your time on trying to convert dota into that.


                                      guys maybe u misunderstand me I don't wanna be a pro player just to earn some money I just wanna be someone good in something


                                        Read my last comment in this topic

                                        Sorry for my english :D Я просто говорю по-русски вообще.

                                        Everything is possible, if you apply enough will to get it.
                                        And you must always remember what W. Churchill said: Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

                                        I can say you after years of mmr climbing that speed of skill increase heavily depends on how much time you spend on it every day. 4 matches a day = just keeping the tonus.

                                        Yes, you can say that I'm playing less then 4 matches every day, - that is because I am studying my last school year and unfortunately there is so much work I must do to pass university exams.

                                        Watch streams of professional players and try to analyse what exactly makes them win their games. But watch only people with high mmr - funny streams do not work.

                                        Watch replays of professional players from players perspective, it helps to get some useful features

                                        Watch your own replays sometimes, and try to get what you could do better; often you will realize, that if you would do that and that and that better, and that 3 things you actually could do better, but for some reasons did not, +25 could be yours.

                                        Understand simple thing: it's enough to win 40 matches to get 1000 MMR, and that is possible to do in just 4 days of constant winning, so to climb up mmr it's not so much about play a lot as win a lot, - but, unfortunately, it's impossible to win a lot without playing a lot.

                                        1 win = 25mmr/hour
                                        If you lose 1 time, you will have to win 1 time just to get mmr you have before you losed. And that makes you waste into nothing 2 hours every time you lose.

                                        So its very important to win every single game

                                        And one more fact: Sumail played 10 matches/day for 5 years before Universe spotted him in pub and invited to EG. So keep improving yourself and never surrender or stop. Do not listen to all that people saying "if you are 1500 mmr, you will never get 2\3\4\5\6k, delete Dota. I walked that road from <2k to 4k, I know what I say.

                                        You know, in team-based ELO systems, like that one which dota uses, every player have small influence on match, like 1/5

                                        And that means, unfortunately, that your own influence, measured as mmr will be exact only in long-term perspective,

                                        You have 4 teammates, and 5 enemies, all them have influence on will you win this match

                                        And in every separate match victory depends on which teams average mmr will be higher;

                                        Matchmaking aimed at making players face players, skill of which is equal to their own skill

                                        And in long perspective it is true, what makes average skill level of your 4 teammates and 5 enemies equal in average, and if you always will play better then your team average level, shifting the skales in your favor, your mmr will rise;

                                        But in every separate match it is impossible to balance teams perfectly because it depends on too much factors like mood, tonus, etc etc.

                                        Sometimes you will have level of teammatess skill higher of enemys one, and that is when you win ez and there is no need make efforts to win, only to play in average not worse then your team, what is easy to do - so now you understand that matches like that ones are useless, because they are paired by ones when your team will have lower level of skill, and this two cases negate each other to zero, but in case your team must lose you can do something, and that is what making your mmr rise up, and in case your team must win you can do nothing to rise mmr up. Just understand, that you rise mmr in matches when your team must lose, but you try hard to win and succeed; it is the main principle of the matchmaking system - to make equal players play vs equal to them, and that divides all matches on 50% of victories and 50% of defeats, which is negating each other in long term perspective.

                                        So now you understand that despite you sometimes win them so hard, your mmr can be going down

                                        That is because all of the effect on your mmr is applied ONLY by matches, that you must lose because of worse team. (ofc if you dont ruining matches you must win)

                                        Easy to pick up, hard to master.


                                          well you might reach 5k if you work. but you will unlikely ever compete in a lan or anything like that. technically you're already an above average player

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            I am bad player that alot other call me account buyer,I never play any lane since long time ago.
                                            I am just memeing around but have grind 1.1K mmr in 7 months time,maybe more soon

                                            I am on my prime and growing

                                            If you can't do that in less then 4months I don't believe you will ever be pro.
                                            At most tier 3 pro that no one know

                                            2k = DOG !! admit it dogs :)

                                              I too was 600mmr a month or so ago, and I've ground to 2100 and will continue to grind up. You however just told us that you didn't have it within you to grind from 1.7k to your smurfs 3k mmr, so you definitely don't have the mentality to hit 5k, let alone play as a pro.

                                              3k players are dogs, just like 2k and 1k trash. Admitting that you are a dog is the first step to becoming non-cancer - you even just said you can't tell the difference between 3k and 5k dude please stop it. Knock it off LOL

                                              Player 404335202

                                                Dont give up !

                                                Player 153433446

                                                  Nothing is certain...go for it, but have a backup plan incase it doesnt workout for you.

                                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                    Well 3k mmr is enough to get league of lesbians pro.


                                                      Normally I try to be encouraging on these posts, but as said previously, didn't have the patience to even raise up your main account. That mentality has no place or chance of being up with the pros.


                                                        Well you know what they say that all dreams eventually disappear, when the dreamer wakes.

                                                        GL man.

                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                          The existing scene iis small.

                                                          Theres probably 40-70 players in the world who can actually earn a respectable living playing dota.

                                                          you can "go pro" in one of two ways: either you climb into that god tier 9k echelon and get noticed or you get to be 7.5-8 and the amount of money and notariety explodes such that thousands of players can now earn respectable livings.


                                                            @cookie matumba win games and he drunk almost all the time


                                                              I dunno how to fcking reply to people's comments lol.
                                                              I was curious as to how pro's can be so good. U speak as though it is literally out of comprehension as to how good pro's are. But what makes them that good? Because when I watch pro's play their individual skill is good but not anywhere near as good as u make it out to be. Is it team coordinatation, game sense?

                                                              Yes I'm a 3k shitter Kappa 123


                                                                Get to 5k and prove them lol. But if you think you are good you should grind from scratch on your 700 mmr account and raise it til 5k. That's how pros begin lelelelel.


                                                                  Don't come to dotabuff to ask these questions, none of these people are pros fam lol. Go to a real site and find info


                                                                    you can for sure . but 3 k well hold you back . get 5 k aaccount or 5.5 ( buy or ask for it ) then watch many 5 k games befor start then start oon 5 k account and try your best . playing vs 5 k is littel better then 3k . if you belive you can do it . wasting time here telling neerds if you can be pro is wasting of time . you better watch replay or pro game . and one thing ' ppl tell you : you can't cause they can't .. add some +5k and be with many good players as you can . don't play with 1 or 2 k and tell me i want to be pro . i mean do you feel pro to kill 20 time 2 k nop . but you feel good to kill 3 times 5 or 6 k . and there are many 5k account buyer so don't think you going to play with EG or vs na'vi . if you really want to be pro nothing going to stop you .


                                                                      Guys thank you for your comments I think u woke me up I really appricate ur help. Ty all love u <3

                                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                                        if you believe in yourself and the power of friendship you can easily win TI


                                                                          you only need heart of the cards XD


                                                                            @zDonFrank how to get a very high skill in every matches? I've tried my best, but it will be always high skill... I got VHS once, as a timber saw... But that match is suck, i feed to much... But how can i get VHS with gpm and xpm around 300 and 0.56 kda too??? Its weird...


                                                                              No u cant
                                                                              Statistically even very high mmr players remain streamers more than pro players, as in their primary income source.


                                                                                @no one
                                                                                Ur retarded and dont understand how hs and vhs work