General Discussion

General Discussionlycan item progrresion

lycan item progrresion in General Discussion

    time to copy icetea lycan what is his item progression?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      I am so famous nowdays


        but what is your item progression ? :) lycan buff = sure win

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Vlad->boot of your choice (phase boot is actually ok in lane as my 5K+ Lycan spammer like to build it) then see your play style.

          IMO Vlad is much better then HotD after the nerf.

          Pusher : Necro,Assault
          Fighter : Armlet,Basher (some like to echo,is quite ok because of his BTA but it fall off late,don't build it if you going assault soon)

          BKB is good as alot of player would really like to stun Lycan

          Mix thouse item and discover which suit you more.

          Tips :Armlet Lycan dmg is super high as the crit dmg increase and he can do the switch off/on better then alot of hero because of his movement speed.


            hmmm i saw few high skilled player rush midas in 6 mins or 7 mins is it good?

            Goblin slayer

              ^1-IceTea how do you itemize safelane lycan?

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^I never do it so idk HAHAHAHA

                Goblin slayer

                  ^lol I think I would start with treads I guess? Then I'll follow what your item progression goes.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    ^Go to the guides or just watch for god sake,your laziness won't bring you up your mmr


                      If u watch licetea he literally just hits buildings and doesn't fight

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^My aim is to destroy enemies Ancient.I focus on that and I am too soft hearted to murder enemies hero,I only do it when no other choice

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Let's have a moments of silance and pray for thouse brave hero that fall on the battles.

                          #Make love not war
