General Discussion

General DiscussionSo when is this coming

So when is this coming in General Discussion

    4 hours ban (similiar to feed detection they added) for supports that dont buy wards.
    The systemmcan already determine in which lane you where with which partner. So if you're treant and laned with a slark, and you bought 0 wards or support items in general, you should be punished.

    Just had that very pleasent situation where you win early game, but then the supp decides he needs his ags (free wards yeeh!) first before going on the other side of the river.
    early advantage thrown, free farm space for morph, gg wp


      What about 5 core lineup? Both laner gets 4 hours ban?


        why not? if none of them picks a supp it shows that they are not willing to teamplay.

        Savvy Cat

          If Valve implements a system that forces someone to support, they will lose 80% of their player base.


            Eeh, supports get picked anyway. Unless its 1k, but 1k is only 10% of the player base.

            Inly thing it would do is to force the people that pick support to actually play support


              Ehhhh forcing people to play support would be much worst than a 5 man core lineup I think.

              Support should be for people that are willing to support and not whine on whatever happens haha.


                forcing people to support already happens. If no one picks support to begin with, the last dude to pick ultimately has to pick a support or he can say hello to low prio.

                If i dont count the games where I started to play dota, I can seriously say i didnt have more then 10 "5 core" games. normal and ranked matches.

                might be different in SEA region where kids play in cybercafe only have money for 1 hour so no one picks support. valve wouldnt loose money if these kids would stop playing dota. they dont have money to buy skins anyway

                doc joferlyn simp

                  forcing people to support already happens. If no one picks support to begin with, the last dude to pick ultimately has to pick a support or he can say hello to low prio.

                  You're probably part of the cancer if you think like that. And I am a kid who plays in the cybercafe, I'm pretty sure I've supported Valve's economy more than you have. Keep talking out of your ass makes it funnier


                    M8 im a net cafe shithead u callin me out boy?


                      Oh, so im the cancer for reporting people that flat out refuse to play supports?

                      If you want to play carry, pick it. if you dont care, wait and pick what is left.

                      If you pick last and somehow magically demand that you get your prefered role, then you are the cancer.

                      Typical SEA logic

                      sure as hell that people that pick sniper last pick and come into safelane "me farm" are the poor poor souls, its not their fault right?

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Yeah, like the instapick-AM people aren't any better?

                        When the other 4 people pick greedily suddenly the last guy becomes the ward bitch? That's some retarded thinking you got there. I mean, "Do not do unto other what you don't want others to do unto you" is practically universally understood by now but your neanderthalic intellect can't understand that now can it?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Maybe the 5 of you are backwards thinking apes hovering over a carry hero and spamming the pick so that you can pick first. You think you're entitled to controlling over others based on what you want to happen? If you're an asshole your teammates probably are as well.

                          Typical SEA logic

                          The irony is so thick I can actually see it physically manifest itself.


                            Well, if really dont want to play support and no one signals a support then just fucking pick a carry as 2nd or 3rd pick? whats the problem?

                            If youre the last to pick and there is no supp then pick one. Its called "taking back your needs and giving them up for the group"
                            when you play with other humans you sometimes have to adjust, if you cant handle that and rather ruin a game, you are the cancer.

                            no reason to argue with SEA monkeys. you dont even have an argument you just insult. WAAH MAMA BUT I WANT TO PLAY CARRY
                            have fun in your 5 core games, in civilized countries with education people will always pick supports

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              So what you're saying is, the guy who greedily picks first is in the right. But the next guy who picks greedily is LP-worthy???

                              What the fuck???

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                How don't I have an argument? My argument is why can't people pick greedily if they want? If you pick greedily, if the other guy picks greedily, the last guy can't pick greedily???

                                So you want to bully others into picking what you want???

                                If you're too dense too read between the lines and form the points of each side then you have the mental capacity of a 5 year old.


                                  Well, have a nice day sir

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    OP is a typical flaming toxic guy, which everyone tends to avoid.

                                    No one should be obliged to buy anything in a game with randoms. Treant is not always a support, so are many "support" heroes. Motives for a pick are very hard to determine by an autonomous system.

                                    Furthermore, first-second pick AM, Meepo, Brood or Alchemist are way worse than the last pick Sniper. There are heroes, which you simply can't pick early, if you're not completely retarded.

                                    Heroes and positions in OP's world divide into CARRY YEA and SUPPORT WARD BITCH, there are no utility offlaners, semicore offlaners, utility mids, roamers, junglers.

                                    Bet you always flame and tell everyone to follow your orders, as if you are a "captain", even though you're just a random shitstain, just like everyone else in your team, not better than them in any way.

                                    Enjoy your normal skill and low behaviour score with such suggestions.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      ^Ah, finally! A fellow with at least average IQ and EQ!

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        rofl thread


                                          Well I don't know about you guys but I never had this no support lineup recently since I'm the ward bitch hahaha


                                            Bad idea.

                                            Bobby knuckles

                                              (Coming from the guy who 1st picks his hero in almost all of his games) "Cancer of Sea": Op definitely belongs to that category. You don't get to enforce anything douche bag. I bet you talk mad s hit in-game and blame everything on your team. Feeding non stop at mid? Its because "my team is shit, my only support while I 4th pick a 4th fucking carry is not constantly pulling gold out of his ass to buy wards and sentries while throwing smoke ganks at mid like a 6k pro. Better whine about it and throw fits like a 6 year old". If they are smart enough to put together a decent lineup (rarely happens at your mmr) and your team including you is retarded enough not to counter it. Its no ones fault just lose the fucking game and move to the next, if you are remotely decent and deserve anything better than 2k(or even 3k) you will get there.
                                              If my team is dumb enough to pick 4 carries my 5th team mate is allowed to pick another carry. Its a fucking game that people play for entertainment (not everyone is a big fucking nerd like you who feeds off his 2k mmr) you need to get that through that thick skull of yours. Either pick support yourself or s t f u and try to do what you can, if you lose its your own fault, plain and simple. There are only 2 cases:
                                              1. You are not good enough and fail to carry your team mates at 1k, 2k or even 3k.
                                              2. Your team is feeding non stop like retarded apes and there is nothing you can do about it (happens once or twice every 10 games but based on what you wrote above I'm guessing your conduct summary is atrocious and you are put with more toxic people resulting in people arguing and flaming each other resulting in this happening more often)
                                              I had plenty of games with 5 carries no wards. I buy wards and sentries when I need them. I secure myself, playing to the best of my abilities doing whatever I can do to secure the game. I will still have bad games but increased win rate will eventually get me to games where I actually have decent players willing to support while whiny apes like you stay at that mmr complaining about team mates not picking support. Nice smurf.

                                              Forcing people to play any role is absolutely fucking retarded and kills the whole entertainment factor of the game. If you really want to win and think support is the role that is needed then fucking pick that role or s t f u. First picking AM with 4 counters to whine that your only support isn't able to ward the whole map and stop them from killing you over and over is just fucking absurd.


                                                ^- Said it all. You are playing a game for you with some team-mates. If you need something to succeed you buy it. Oh an enemy with invis on the team and you have an empty slot...Buy dust BEFORE you need it. You need a ward? its only 65 Gold.. little more than a GG branch.... if buying that ward prevents 2 deaths which is roughly 150~ gold lost. you have profited idiot.


                                                  what about everybody gets banned?=


                                                    Oh boy... looks like someone is having a red day and needs some therapy to cope with the stress. Clearly you are really a 8k player trapped in the trench of Normal skill. You would probably be in Kiev right now playing witht eh best but those damn supports never got a 65g item for you.

                                                    God forbid you buy a 65 g item cause well shit.. that's what supports are for. IN a game where you have 400 lh, a ward is 1 creep about 15 seconds of game time... but fuck that !!!! supports should be buying that.

                                                    You died, you probably overextended but its easier to say " we need wards" "gg no wards, no support end now"
                                                    Fudge you and everyone that acts like you. toxic scum, you are the players support players hate to try and ward for.


                                                      So every game, one player MUST pick support for team otherwise he will be put in LP, right?

                                                      Nope, fuck you. You are just being hell-bent on turning normal ranked game into the "pro tournament" game, If I'm not going to pick pos 4 or 5 because I'm not good at those position then what the hell do you think you are going to do then? This is not a goddamn TI7 where the prize money is at the stake. So chill the fuck out and go have a lollipop ffs.


                                                        I play in cybercafe and have 3 acc with average skins (all can add friend!)
                                                        and have mmr more than you
                                                        and i play support if solo ranked
                                                        and i have low abandon rate
                                                        idk what are you talking about
                                                        actually if you have at least 3k mmr you dont see these "cybercafe kid" anymore
                                                        its your fault stay in low bracket LOL