General Discussion

General DiscussionGiving in, gonna spam for MMR

Giving in, gonna spam for MMR in General Discussion

    I'm exploding every game here in 2.6-3K SEA. I end up solo supporting, I get cores who have 30 last hits at the 10th minute, who end 7-15, yet somehow have the gall and pride to trash me for being a noob support. I admit I have much to work on, there's a reason I'm at this MMR bracket. But it certainly doesn't help that I'm matched with complete fools. I've been tilted almost every game the past 2 weeks.
    So yeah, I'm gonna give in to the demons. The blue stars like Cookie and IceTea(along w many others who are at least 4k) told me in previous forum posts that if I want to go up in MMR, at least in these brackets, I have to spam. I rejected it because I want to play the game "right"; however, what's the use if nobody else is playing right with you. So, here it comes I guess
    Any suggestions for a good MMR spam hero? I can play all heroes decently enough for this bracket(why I prided myself in versatility and not wanting to spam)

    Cancer Malaria

      You're not the first, and certainly not the last, if your asking suggestion for raising mmr, just look at other previous post, spammable hero-
      just look at the meta right there at the highest winrate


        it doesn't mattter what hero you spam, nor what position it is in

        there's 9k core players and there's 9k support players.

        so, i'd either recommend picking a hero from high meta

        (sort by pickrate in 5k+) winrates don't matter, ex lycan has 55% winrate but jack shit nothing plays him and he's pretty much a loss guaranteed meanwhile rubick is a super high versatility support with 48% winrate but insane map control when played right.


        alternatively you can pick whatever hero you really like playing and won't get bored by the 5th game in a row, nor the 50th game in a row.

        hero spamming means you'll instapick that hero 50-100 games in a row till you play him so good like it's a body part.

        don't look at stats from your own bracket, look at the highest brackets, your bracket has no meaning because it's not playing proper dota.

        legion jungle will work there, but it gets you insta low priority and -25 in 6k.

        p.s i'm not sure how smart/stupid you are, but a lot of people will only get like +500 mmr upgrades for spamming as they would only increase in mechanical skill on that hero

        if you want actual mmr then ANALYSE FUCKING REPLAYS

        pick that hero and go to dotabuff>heroes>find that hero> guides and download replays, you can also find replays from hero spammers on the ranking page but only look at diamond 9/10 or professional.


          Cookie trashing lycan xD
          How is that hero trash if he wins games? :thinking: he is even seeing pro play


            it's the same thing with the previous patches having omni/spectre/necro at 57%-60% winrate while no one picking them as simply enough they had good skillsets for some random game that no one cared about them. as soon as that hero goes into the meta(high pickrate) people instantly learn how to play against him and his winrate drops drastically


              if you look careful at the stats, you will realise that troll is the ultimate pick. trust me im a troll spammer myself


              doc joferlyn simp

                Buy an account supporting in higher MMR is better and more productive than trying to teach ducks how to jump a ledge


                  there were some people who managed to stay 4k after boost/acc buy

                  but those people never ever ever will move out of 4k because they didn't learn 1 thing:

                  ''how to destroy the enemy ancient''
                  aka how to win games, so they just slowly go down or float at the same mmr


                    there were some people who managed to stay 4k after boost/acc buy

                    there's hope for bws

                    Quas wex exort

                      can you give me 3k trash mmr. please


                        I climbed you little shit


                          i have same problem op!~ team hold me back help pls pls give me tips how to raise mmr . sea 2k is hell help

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i just quit and is now playing on a 3k account


                              The problem I face is that there aren't many people who play support in 2K, nevermind SEA 2K. I used to be that guy willing to play support, but I've lost all confidence in doing so; it's 50-50 with 2k cores, sometimes you get decent mid and carry teammates, sometimes you get mind-numbingly bad cores. That's why I stagnated; sure there may be things I can improve, but for the most part the cores do stupid shit I can't bail them out of. So screw it, in 3 days my front page will be all SF.


                                doesn't matter what role you play,

                                up to 4k you literally don't need supports any match

                                up to 6k you can get away with only having 1 support


                                  TA is hot right now. Meta-wise and her character ofc


                                    go silencer roam if posible with riki colect int gg

                                    Mr. Jin

                                      For me is Medusa, but u have to ban am. That guy is the greatest counter. If not u can take almost any late game carry if ur fat. She is a good base defender.

                                      If am is not banned, I'll juz pick troll. He is the new meta right now. Troll build I go shadow blade mom sny ,u down rosh in 10secs with juz sb and mom. Btw upgrade to silver edge early if there is like PA or am or wraith Knight, u wanna block their passive skills. Still get Mkb if there is PA is juz that u can get it slightly later.

                                      Play ur highest winrate hero.


                                        ^I'm curious as to why is everyone's go to item is a shadow blade? while silver edge is good vs PA, why get it over a blink when there isn't a passive to break. Troll has great attack speed with Fervor and Battle Trance so why MoM.

                                        I'm not discrediting your build i'm just very curious about those item choices giving troll innate abilities.

                                        Now on the topic at hand SEA is just the worst of server i'm sorry it just is, the players are close minded, disrespectful, and just plain toxic moreso I believe than any other servers. If you are picking support secure the early game by creating space in other lanes, ganking the mid lane is the best way to give your team an early advantage, avoid being a static laner watching your carry farm, box out the offlaner for a 2-4 mins maybe pull for some gold and exp and then start rotating.

                                        Otherwise pick a high impact hero like a "MID/OFFLANE" Legion. FFS Not Jungle it may work, but imo its just terrible.

                                        Erdal Kömürcü

                                          bs is good to spam but you have to finish game early otherwise things will be too hard

                                          Mr. Jin

                                            The mom is for the downtime of ultimate and when u are chasing. Is the same concept of Lyman getting mom but 1 hero gets foe aspd and other get for MS. Additionally using ultimate first then follow up with mom when it expires for troll will allow u to down rosh in 10secs

                                            Also shadow blade synergize better with troll and helps u avoid ward detection.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              sea is teh wurst servr hehe im 12 btw

                                              Player 345068850

                                                Im stuck in

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Ranked MM 115

                                                  Player 345068850

                                                    ^what about it?


                                                      @Snake Eyes you already have SNY for MS, if you want to avoid wards there is an option to purchase smoke. Battle Trance and Fervor with Blight Stone will provide similar results at rosh, as you take extra damage while in berserk which makes troll more fragile thus why people opt for Vlads and the downtime is just 30s, while Lycan buys armlet for the extra HP/Dmg/armor to cover the MoM weakness.


                                                        How to git gud? Im stuck in 2k . How to git vhs?


                                                          Im only a 2k player in SEA (calibrated at 2400 then went down to 1800 then now im climbing back again. already at 2140~). Though im not expecting you to be following advice from a lower mmr player, what i can suggest is just use heroes that you really know you could have a huge impact with (depends on the lineup of course). In terms of communicating with your teammates, just try to be calm and explain shit properly when they blame you. Always try to be constructive. Occasionally, I say stuff like "Why are you always blaming mid for feeding? why dont you just help him out. Your attitude is the reason why you cant get out of 2k." and they eventually stop trashtalking and youll actually notice them trying lol. Ive been doing these things and they seem to be effective. I finally now have the time to play a lot of games (vacation bitch woo) and I know ill be able to climb as long as I stay focused and keep on learning.



                                                            My theory on why SB and Silver Edge are go-to builds in SEA is that when a player tries to pickoff someone (which is very easy because "map awareness" isnt a thing) and fails, they often get to pop it and walk their way out of danger because people generally dont buy detection until theyve noticed how many times theyve diedededed.


                                                              don't whine i solo support to and win games

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                Role is no excuse

                                                                Mr. Jin

                                                                  It works for low mmr. It tears roshan apart in 10secs.



                                                                    Yeah, its a trend that needs to break unfortunately, as the item is bought too liberally on too many heroes that don't need them.

                                                                    Legion Commander for example you don't NEED Shadow Blade you DO NEED a blink, you can however buy SB after that as it allows you to close the gap for a blink, similar to a Magnus.

                                                                    Shadow Fiend, this hero doesn't NEED a Shadow Blade at any point of the game wherein there isn't a passive to break ex. PA's Blur Bristle 's Bristleback.

                                                                    Given what i said it isn't a particularly bad item it works well with troll, sf etc. It just feels like people tend to gravitate to a standard silver edge every game.

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      SB on SF is fine

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        SB on SF is fine


                                                                          Yes, Its just that "Fine" as I said SF doesn't NEED the item.


                                                                            Well if you arent coming with me to 4k mmr i will go by myself ok? Happens to all of my 1k friend lul


                                                                              it's one of those items that is very playstyle dependent. SF is very versatile, so you are right he would p[robably be fine without an SB. however, you are giving up a lot of pickoff & positioning potential for ult.


                                                                                I climbed from 1800 starting mmr to 2.5 relativly quickly by spamming jug


                                                                                  Alt tab 50% of the time when im playing luna and im on 1k. Got 2k in a week. Shiftqueue xD


                                                                                    @Jacked I would think items would be situational, SB is countered by dust, sentry, and gem. So the amount of pick off's would depend on the opposing team lack of detection. If you want a positioning item get blink dagger which nowadays I wouldn't suggest on SF still a better item, as now it would be the Hurricane Pike.

                                                                                    Anyways this topic has derailed from the op intent.


                                                                                      sb is countered by dust, and u counter that by being smarter. u force them to waste more gold. and they cant possible light the whole map with wards. its just overall better for SF (esp in pubs) to get a shadowblade. otherwise u risk playing sf suboptimally.

                                                                                      it's like saying riki is countered by dust and gem, so lets not skill invisibility.

                                                                                      GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                                        Play offlane. Tell your team to let you solo. Let the supports babysit the carries. Offlane is the new safelane anyways.

                                                                                        Buying a ward or two to protect your rune/jungle/ganks wont put you into poverty or delay any big items. You dont need perfect CS. I realize i am a lower mmr than you but there cant be that much difference between 2.3 and 2.6

                                                                                        Most time in the offlane you'll get at most a cancer dual lane which you should still be able to get levels and some under-tower farm since supports dont know how to pull and when they do it is painfully obvious and easy to contest.

                                                                                        If you are worthy of more mmr and winning games, you can do it from the offlane


                                                                                          Yeah, the SF spam doesn't seem to be working. And here's why; if I hold it to later picks, in this BEAUTIFUL server and skill bracket, someone else will take mid even if I marked it down, then flame me off. I pick it anyways(probably a very bad mistake here), and sidelane, where I get raped by a duo who run at me and murder me every time because the support thinks it's fine to leave an SF solo against Night Stalker and Slardar. Now, I tried early picking it, but I end up with counterdrafts, and an Earth Spirit and Bounty Hunter on my ass at all times in the midlane, ganking me to pieces. I'm down from 2.8 to 2.65K. 2 options now; abandon spamming and go back to try to playing it right/playing off of teammates(probably end up supporting here), or spam a different hero. I could stick it out with SF spam, but clearly I'm not at the level required to single hero spam, at least for him. I'm just stagnating MMR, even dropping a little.


                                                                                            @AIDS I can solo offlane, but most times team refuses to allow it. They flame me "feeling 3K already?", and go to the offlane anyways.


                                                                                              If u want to play mid in sea 2k u absolutely must first pick.