General Discussion

General DiscussionFeeder tilted jug 0-29 and still won

Feeder tilted jug 0-29 and still won in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    Example how win rate means nothing. when you play with players who wants to win, you will win. in this case i had 3 other team mates who want to win.


      why did jugg feed in the first place?

      ILC - Lethal Ninja

        He fed because necro wanted safelane core, but jug second picked and took the core position. then necro started swearing at jug. jug got tilted and keep feeding

        ILC - Lethal Ninja

          in another match, i had 4 other team mates who dont want to win. i have to supp and carry a team like that and still get blamed for picking riki. XD

          Potato Marshal


            Similar situation from a while back, Puck kept buying all the wards the whole game and putting them in fountain, buying couriers and killing them while stealing other people's couriers and feeding them while just all around feeding. Still won.


              They want to win
              It's tactical feed, don't you know that?


                so why arent you 9k already?


                  I'm a better riki than you
                  Don't even point out my amount of match on riki and my winrate with him, because mmr, winrate, and stats doesn't matter, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion


                    I think I'm better than u too. But I've been unlucky no one in my team wants to win like your teammates. How to win if thy don't want to win help pls. Tips to get lucky with good team pls? I know I'm definitely a good player like miracle but dota is hard it's a team game I always get ppl who don't want to win

                    mr. rabbit

                      im a better player than you
                      Don't even point out my amount of match on this acc and my winrate, because mmr, winrate, and stats doesn't matter, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion

                      mr. rabbit

                        not to mention, 2.7k is only like, 40-50 wins from your MMR? its not much considering even new dota players wins 50 matches on their first 100


                          um 1k not far off from 4k right? actually its just 4k play better as a team and get objectives better. i hate my 1k teammates. but why am i unlucky more than u halp


                            1k to 4k is only 120 matches, it's literally nothing


                              It's not that hard to keep your team from tilting though. They're just human.Stay calm and use chat accordingly.


                                My point still stands
                                I'm a better antimage than you


                                  He faile at feeding. He should spam ggwp in chat . screw the map with painting. Buy observers And deny them. If he did that you cant win !


                                    He's still defending his non-sense idea.

                                    white boy summer

                                      1k to 8k is just 280 matches,literally nothing

                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                        troll all you want. i have got nothing to prove to you. a chinese saying "playing music to bulls". obviously the bulls won't understand the music and there is no point doing that.

                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                          between, liquid just lost the tournament. if you think a single player can win a game, think again. oh wait, maybe you can't. the 20% contribution of each player still holds.


                                            I have nothing to prove you too
                                            I'm a better riki than you

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Clearly you've never seen The Book of Life


                                                You misspelled logic


                                                  i was playing in a team when all my teammates had ~20 deaths and very low impact.

                                                  aaaand i lost even though i was shitstomping the map on clinkz


                                                    everyone here is playing music to you. and you are the bull. lol


                                                      oh wow miracle lost. dota is a team game.

                                                      well fuck me you are not wrong. but you're also wrong.


                                                        if that makes sense..


                                                          If he have common sense he would've known that official matches are not pub matches where people spin around like a headless chicken and you can win by being a chicken with head
                                                          Or that if frank have better stats on any aspect than him on the same hero and on the same server (especially when he destroyed 4k with ease when he went from 3.5 to 6) he is better than him

                                                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                            hi bws, i wont say you are a worse riki player than me just because you are of lower mmr than me.. There is no way to compare you and me.. If you disagree on that, its fine.. Again, i have nothing to prove to a kid.


                                                              ILC buddy. how do we prove who is better then.. i would like to hear some suggestion. play some music mr. bull. make some points. give us something so we can test your logic


                                                                i think im better riki than you. do u disagree?


                                                                  this is another example. lost even after a feeder was there iin enemy team



                                                                    I feed every time I have a techies on my team.
                                                                    I hope one day some idiot will make a post about me

                                                                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                      jacked.. i would neither agree nor disagree as there is no way to prove you are better or im better.. The only way to prove is to have 5 same players against another 4 same players + yourself in a double blind experiment.. And probably after a large numbers of the same set of games (large sample size) then we can run some stat to confirm. Sorry if that doesnt make any sense to you. Again, knowledge empower you.. Not dota

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        E V E R Y T H I N G I S R E L A T I V E A N D R E A L I T Y I S J U S T A N I L L U S I O N


                                                                          lol. you are right.
                                                                          but you'd also have to play all the different permutations of hero compositions that exists eh? so we control for hero picks as well.

                                                                          after we've done the above once, we'd then have to change the the set of players you and i get to play with because sometimes we have to take into account synergy with different people. and we'd have to do it with all the dota players that exist. so all possible combination of hero picks with the same set of people * population of dota players in the world * large sample size. cool experiment. you must feel really smart

                                                                          then we'd know whos really better right?

                                                                          or you know, the MMR system already kinda does that because you basically get large samples by playing more games and random variance to approximate everything above, and over time you get to see through your MMR, how good you really are based on winrate.

                                                                          or you know, you could look at really obvious and observable differences between different players of different MMR ratings, and how high rated players (as correctly predicted by the system) can get close to 100% winrates in lower rating games. while you fucking struggle in 4k.


                                                                            and you take that as evidence to say that the mmr system through large number of games approximates skill differences quite well as a substitute for your sttupid fucking controlled experiment. dude do u even goto school?


                                                                              guys stop aruge with jackshit he have nothing to do , and reply in all topics , that makes him feel he is good at dota you know cause is jsut a 1.3 k mmr worst than 99% of all players so dont waste your time lol.


                                                                                ^HAHAHA This was the guy you reminded me of OP. birds of the same feather flock together. but i think OP has slightly more brains than this guy


                                                                                  hey mafioso, still unlucky with teammates? lol miracle is so lucky


                                                                                    wait. did you just use MMR to validate your intelligence and arguments? i thought u didnt believe in MMR. lol. fucking idiot