General Discussion


< Never Fear >

    Hello guys , can you guys share some tips with me how to maintain in vhs bracket ? ty :) your commend is very appreciated

    doc joferlyn simp

      miracel need no tips :-)


        G I T


          lol from vhs to unknown skill. you fucked up bro. make a new smurf. anyway why does it matter, u can only calibrate 3.5, which is only HS

          < Never Fear >

            hmm ya thats rite . new acc ? zzz .

            < Never Fear >

              @renshin . can I know what is the meaning of gudgit ? sorry im such a noob :(


                go analyze some pro games
                spam heroes
                practice your mechanics, last hitting etc..

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Don't analyze anything.

                  Maintain good KDA and hero damage. Winrate is irrelevant for bracket.

                  I just played the way I usually did on my previous acc and got VHS.

                  < Never Fear >

                    ty mate for that :)

                    < Never Fear >

                      can I get vhs even I dropped and my last game bracket was unknown ??? hahahaha


                        Don't analyze anything.
                        Maintain good KDA and hero damage. Winrate is irrelevant for bracket.

                        hmm, how can he maintain good kda and hero dmg if he doesnt gitgud first? and one way of getting good is by analyzing
                        though, i do agree about the winrate thing

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          The more games you play, the less likely your bracket will change.

                          The system gains confidence in an inverse exponential: first 10 games are the most important, while after 50 games or so you may even intentionally feed or play like shit, you'll still be VHS.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            First, you will need to change that Miracle- profile pic.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Bullshit, I made a smurf a while back playing like a 1k (I was flat 2k back then) and it went to VHS on its own

                              зачем я начал поиск


                                Winning is hard.

                                Having high KDA/HD isn't really.

                                If you just have a bit of common sense, you'd almost never have less kills than deaths and relatively high damage.

                                You don't need to sit and analyze games for that. Just stick to some prearranged simple, yet effective plan.

                                < Never Fear >

                                  wew . thanks for that usefull info bro . its helping a lot . seriously thanks .


                                    The system gains confidence in an inverse exponential: first 10 games are the most important, while after 50 games or so you may even intentionally feed or play like shit, you'll still be VHS.

                                    I gave a vhs acc to a normalskill-highskill player, it went from vhs to ns real quick after 3-4 games

                                    < Never Fear >

                                      @cheap . sorry mate cant cause im miracle fanboy xD

                                      зачем я начал поиск


                                        Idk, then he may have been super bad or the system has some hidden variables to truly distinguish skill level. So I may indeed had been wrong in my initial inverse exponential assumption.

                                        On my main acc I've had VHS and on this smurf I got it in 3 games without trying much, just playing the game as usual. The only thing I initially had in mind was HD/KDA. After 20 games I'd stopped giving a fuck about it too and just played for fun on heroes I enjoy.

                                        And I am just a dogshit 4k shitlord to be honest. So I don't really know why and how.


                                          Renshit give me vhs acc plx i want one too

                                          < Never Fear >

                                            lol xD hahaha sometimes valve was very suck too my friends


                                              GIT GUDER (NOT BETTER)


                                                I believe the game just knows if you're bad you don't deserve vhs (which is quite ez to attain)
                                                and fyi, you dont need good kda or hero dmg to get vhs
                                                I could play support only in a new acc and get vhs easily, the system just knows
                                                @kanna, ill think about it


                                                  Renshin how to git vhs . Give me vhs . I need vhs . ????????????


                                                    hold up, fuck you
                                                    you want vhs? suk ma dik

                                                    < Never Fear >

                                                      @renshin . I will dropped if I played support role . maybe im not good in support or im a very noob person actually . sometimes vhs sometimes hs and sometimes ns XD what a suck player a.k.a CANCER

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        lmao crusch

                                                        < Never Fear >

                                                          lol XD


                                                            ^ i never get hs or vhs . How do you get it?


                                                              if you play like a VHS you'll maintain VHS

                                                              there's no secret to it.

                                                              unranked calibration is only first 10-20 games (idk the exact number, not completely tested yet)

                                                              after that it goes up/down by +-25 like ranked


                                                                Winning is hard. Having high KDA/HD isn't really.

                                                                what are you talking about bro. even if i tried really hard in 1k i could never get good kda. but winning is easy, on the other hand.


                                                                  who make smurf this days anyway

                                                                  whatever mmr u callibrate u can reach max 3.5k after 2 3 days its super ez

                                                                  < Never Fear >

                                                                    yeah but I really2 hope that ill calibrate at least 4k . XD please tell me this acc can reach at least 4k . lol :P


                                                                      3.5k is max calibration, are you blind or wat?

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        you will calibrate 1k or 2k bruh.

                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                          WHY would you be so desperate to calibrate 4k?

                                                                          Let me tell you this. I am a mediocre player (very).

                                                                          I had a 3200 acc and got it to 4k+something in 2 weeks of playing fucking jungle Wraith King only.

                                                                          4k is a pit, but anything below it can be climbed so fast, that you shouldn't care.


                                                                            renshin is back to dota


                                                                              try not to be noob like them.


                                                                                @патау додик why desprate to calibrate 4k you ask? Everyone want to have big dicks you know . mmr is our e-dick . And when you have high mmr you can trash talk ns player and think highly of urself cuz u got higher mmr, thats why i want 4k .

                                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                  But 4k is bad, it is nothing good, trust me.

                                                                                  Hell, even some 5k's are complete trashcans.

                                                                                  Want to know my 4k experience? 4k is full of boosted accounts/toxic I-am-over-5k-on-my-smurf guys/feeding or tilted players/broken averaging system/random 5-6k guys matched with/against you and either carrying the game or losing and raging like they're babies.

                                                                                  I am sorry, but this is truly what I think.

                                                                                  P.S. Aaaand no, in case you'll say something like "your behaviour score must be low", it isn't. It is 8423 right now on that acc, but I just want a fresh experience and to get this acc to 5k+ finally. I am pretty confident, that I'll be able to do it.


                                                                                    dont be a noob and coward.


                                                                                      9 Wins account? You haven't even hit ranked yet why are you asking for advice on staying in high skill bracket? Even if you win all of your calibration matches, you will still be below 4k, which is still average skill.

                                                                                      Mid&Feed.mid (muted)

                                                                                        LoL !