General Discussion

General DiscussionIs brood mother Good In This Meta

Is brood mother Good In This Meta in General Discussion
Ramtin H

    Hey guys I want to know ur opinions about this hero
    Which lane to play what items to get and what jobs to do,
    I really like this hero But I see many different builds this days
    1 build was getting midas then rush radiance that I think its A very interesting build
    So Any opinion or Idea?
    And thanks in advance

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      She was always good in pubs.

      You can go winstreaks with this hero, but she's really skill-dependent.

      Both macro-, micro- and decision making.

      You don't need meta to win with her, there are spammers, who play her non-stop for the sake of it.

      Kinda like AW/Meepo in the sense that she can be countered hard and be a nuisance, but can also win games solo, if the player is capable of it.

      In advance: I am not a good Brood player, but I know them and you can get really high with that hero.

      Ramtin H

        Nice thanks I will try maybe I can finally find sth to spam!!!

        зачем я начал поиск

          Unless you've seen someone play her first, you may feed and lose games.

          You need to know proper web placement and use or you're fucked.

          You need to know how to micro around certain heroes.

          High-level Brood abusers have an insane gut map awareness. Brood is the fastest farming offlaner in the game: in most games w/o Midas your GPM will be at least 550/600 and w/Midas/Radiance it is around 700/800 all the time. That is a double-edged sword.

          The cost of feeding is insanely high. Not only will you feed with probably highest net worth/level on the map, but also all of your spiders.

          You're a glass walking bag of gold, which is always alone, basically.


            yes and yes.


              My brood games always go the same way - dominate lane, dominating streak, pushing raxs by 15mins.

              then feed 3-4 deaths and lose the game.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                You see all the brood picking teams lost in the major
                It's good for rekt pubs but that's only until 4k
                After 20 mins it's just 4v6
                And you're in the 6 because you're feeding spiders

                i follow Jesus.

                  strong deathball hero that can punish a lot of 3k-4k that underestimate/dont know about her insane push
                  brood was in the cheese hero category with meepo and cancer lancer until axe became a playable hero so now the hero will always have a viable counterpick no matter the lineup
                  if i remember correctly she went from tier 2 to trash with the legion updatea long long time ago

                  if you really want to win pick lina mid or crystal maiden support, just saying

                  if you really want to lear brood then just watch a lot of replays and find the logic on the plays they make
                  shes a kinda easy hero to micro since her units are almost always with phase movement and dont have any buttons to press, usually core items are brown boots or no boots at all into a soul ring midas then you decide on orchid, sabre or vlads, vlads is for 1v5 situations, echo is when they have very frail supports like crystal maiden and AA, orchid is for AOE heroes (qop, invoker, void, any hero that you can force into manta/bkb/linken is a good orchid pick), and those items followed always with a survivability item, since brood is very very very frail and counterable. bkb is the best choice, ac and shivas are also very good picks, lotus orbs if you're coming from behind and then just buy damage items until you lose the game because your hero is insanely bad


                    Isn't it over for Brood if opponents' Earthshaker makes it to blink dagger?


                      If everyone is dumb enough to stay in the middle of her spiders knowing there is an Earthshaker out there, then yes.


                        Brood can absolutely shitstomp people but only people like bulldog and that other guy who spammed her to 6k with some absurd winrate like 90%, aka those who are masters of the hero, will rlly do well with her. She is bad in the meta but has potential. She is also rlly hard

                        Eternal indifference

                          it all depends on the enemy safelane .
                          Source: 700+ games on brood.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Brood is like meepo.

                            Against counters u're going to have a hard time.
                            No counters, might as well pray for autsitic brood or just abandon game.

                            CLEETUS McFarland

                              40.61% win rates


                                @Daddy u're talking about BipDonGoe