General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people rush dagger on enigma?

Why people rush dagger on enigma? in General Discussion

    Early dagger makes enemy more carefull most of the games that rushes dagger makes it longer because the element of surprise is broken early and dagger gives you and initiate only nearly no survibability ex. enemy have slark you'd probably just end up feeding the sllark with your early dagger instead of mek or glimmer


      Yeah blink dagger first enigmas trigger me like nothing else.

      I get blink first enigmas almost every time I have one on my team.

      They make no impact/no rotations (unlike me when I play Enigma and will make a smoke gank as soon as I hit lv 6 usually netting a kill, often transitioning into a tower push).

      Then guess what the blink first enigmas do as soon as they get their blink dagger? Yep. Go straight back to farming. Or if they do come for a push the push fails because instead of the sustain of a mek all we have is a blink dagger on enigma.


        Get a midas you nerds.


          Idk but im guilty of doing this. I dont really know how to play enigma then.


            Yeah you're from SEA. Almost every SEA enigma player I have seen rushes blink and then goes back to farm the jungle and get nothing done and then go on to lose.


              Lol. I do this. But i dont do the shit farming thing after getting Blink. I look for teamfights, or i push towers. If this can't be done I ward enemy jungle and I farm their jungle. Usually I ask my team to 5 man push once I get Blink


                I facepalm when i see someone rush dagger


                  My team talk trash to me when I don't rush dagger smh ended up 5 man blackhole because of late game dagger the element of surprise is a thing


                    @alittlebitstronger I'm not a fan of midas not unless with specific heroes that needs it

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      It's an old school build back in the day, I'm guessing you didn't play dota til TI4 or something, which was years ago. Can't remember which pro player I think it was Poopey or someone who made the mek enigma build. It's just much safer build since the cooldown on ult is 3 minutes and still 2+ minute max level. There used to be really good amount of good enigma players in ranked. Nowadays you'll be lucky to have more than one good black hole the whole game and/or more than 3 man trapped in there. Even in group play people try to get ds or magnus for the "wombo combo" but it rarely happens unless the two players are friends.

                      I don't know why Icefrog still nerfs these spells, when bloodseeker and legion commander can use ulty in 50/60 seconds. Even game breaking ults like Death Prophet's Exorcism is under 3 minutes.


                        I've come to the point where I first pick enigma then enemy picks silencer or rubick in hopes to counter me doesn't matter what hero I'm against i win games


                          I always rush dagger on enigma and still maintain 63% win rate. Ofc if there is no silencer. I see securing early kills on enemy midder or carry crucial for the game. People especially in 4k flat bracket - which is the most toxic bracket in dota community, full of dellusional players - tend to tilt so ez when u jump on them min 9-10, its funny to watch.

                          On higher mmr it may be questionable item choice, but whatever. U dont have that problem. :D


                            dagger for 1 or 2 kills? lol

                            midas, greaves, dagger

                            after midas just push with team with the threat of black hole, and then when greaves, get all objectives.


                              Nowadays you'll be lucky to have more than one good black hole the whole game and/or more than 3 man trapped in there

                              you don't judge an enigmas blackholes by how many people are in it, it is definetley situationally good to blackhole just the carry if it means this secures u an objective.
                              thing with dagger rush is that it secures u one or two kills that u probably cud have gotten with one 50 gold item called smoke of deceit, and after that first usage its kinda useless for another 3 min. ye sure u can escape and maybe go blink + malefice, but u cud get way more use out of greaves to get out of silence, or force staff to escape, or glimmer to save people.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                They want to land teh TI7 game 5 epic finals game-winning 15 million dollar Black Hole.


                                  Blink is useful other than just black hole, use to jump enemy with stun, I much rather have a blink enigma rather than a hand of Midas.
                                  Hand of Midas makes itnlike you have a 15 min afk jungle.
                                  Mek or blink is better than hand of Midas any day


                                    ^turns out enigma doesn't need mek or blink to have significant impact at the same time he wud have midas, and once he has it he hits that lvl 15 cd reduction talent fast which is a big powerspike of the hero. the hero doesn't rlly need that much farm, but he does need levels, and midas can secure both what small farm he needs (basically an aura and a blink by the midgame) as well as the levels he craves.


                                      ^but say he gets the hand of Midas.
                                      Till that spike he forces the team to 4v5.
                                      Hand of Midas is a greedy item, nothing more


                                        ^but he doesn't force his team to 4v5 cuz enigma doesn't need much to fight in the early game
                                        it is a greedy item, but that doesn't mean its bad


                                          maybe its just preference. A good team is careful for an enigma during a team fight, a blink enigma is much harder to position for than an enigma who walks up to a fight lol
                                          and a mek enigma could be the one who saves the carry in a fight if the fight starts to go bad
                                          a hand of midas engima does neither.


                                            I think early blink on enigma doesn't increase his spike like blink on other heroes which is why u go something Mek first and u can contribute to early pushes. Blink early just makes enigma capable of a bit more pick off potential when he really wants to use it for big team fights around bigger objectives.

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              Ger Midas first before rushing blink. If you get midas, your gpm will be very fast.

                                              Rushing dag is less effective coz your Midnight Pulse DPS is not yet that strong. And the CD of black hole at lvl1 is way too long, so the effectiveness of blink dag is nulled during that cooldown.

                                              In my last 3 enigma game, I'm the highest GPM in our team despite being position 4, with an avg of about 16min blink dag (with Midas, soul ring and tranquil boots), avg gpm of about 650+ gpm.


                                                who dafuq buys midas on enigma? It only raises your gpm by 100+ and it's a waste on a slot and you don't need to hit so the attack speed is useless the gold and xp you don't need it believe me you get it in team fights


                                                  Yep you don't need the 5 man blackhole to win games you can blackhole only their core but what gives? if you get canceled mid casting let's say you have a bkb or a linkin stun piercing spell immunity exist or silence a blink dagger is probably situational


                                                    You'd be stupid not to get midas on niggma


                                                      Believe it or not, eniggmer isnt a walking glory hole.

                                                      You are a strong pusher and fighter with your other ablities.

                                                      Watch some 6k+ engmineers and see for yourself


                                                        I tried the midas in the other day doesn't work like a miracle to me I'm not a fan of the item tho


                                                          Then analyse some high mmr replays to see how it works.

                                                          I'm too lazy to explain why offlaners need farm and arent just walking initiators


                                                            Hmm good idea thanks mate


                                                              Enigma is an offlaner?


                                                                When to buy midas? after soul ring and arcane?

                                                                tutututu max verstappen

                                                                  trash dagger first
                                                                  get soul ring,boots of speed
                                                                  then blink then smoke ganks
                                                                  succesful ganks lead you to fancy items


                                                                    Before 21 minutes is a start

                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                      Sometimes, I don't even buy blink. Just get ms and go nuts.


                                                                        Or just don't buy blink at all if you're benao


                                                                          I sometimes ended up not buying blink and i still can't feel the miracle of midas on enigma