General Discussion

General DiscussionThey havw to change techis

They havw to change techis in General Discussion

    Techis is a very hard to play hero to begin with.

    What makes him such a bad hero is the fact that he attracts griefers and feeders. Most games where i had a techis it were very toxic people.

    The few games a "normal" person picked techis they cant play him.

    Also with how hard it is in the current patch to siege high ground, doing it 4v5 is almost impossible. (yes, you can always farm enemy jungle and starve them from gold, but try to tell that to your team)

    I sometimes pick techis against weaver offlane, the blastoff nuke+silence really are good against him.

    They really should change the hero


      Techies has changed a lot during past 6 months. It is pretty good well balanced in this patch. But mastering this hero is a little hard.
      First of all you need to know when to pick techies : you should pick it when enemy team is squishy and they can't target you easily during the fights e.g. Storm, PA.
      And the most important part TECHIES NEED FARM AND XP ADVANTAGE ! Always play techies in the offlane.


        yyeah right

        play techis in offlane so that you end up with no frontline, no initiation and free farm for the enemy carry.

        How about you play techis as pos 5 support in a trilane, kill the offlaner 15 times with blast off, get an offlaner like mag or dark seer to combo with blast off late game

        pos 3 techis is the dumbest thing ever, i never won a game with an offlane techis


          Dont judge early man! I tested this strategy so many many times and it always wokrs for me (in 3K MMR) . Thats exactly the problem every one has : playing a postiin 5 techies == LOSE !


            Playing techies in trylane will end up with you having no farm , no xp advantage and being compeletly useless during the rest of the game.
            I have 260 wins with techies , and i insist that the only way to win with techies is offlane techies pos 3 or 4 (at worst situation) . Position 5 Is shit.


              So a POS 3 Techies huh? so how are you gonna plant bombs if you can't leave your lane? also I think exp won't be a problem if your enemies dies on your bombs also you could always hog bounty runes and steal enemy bounty runes.

              POS 5 Techies is actually good you plant bombs so that your allies can safely run to them if they are being pursued and if lucky your enemies will be blown to bits so its actually a win-win situation for Techies and the team.


                If you pick techies you deserve the loss fam


                  There is one big problem that most techies players have and make them loss: They always think about defending ! they always want to defend their high ground ! the best way to play techies is play it aggressively i don't need to plant bombs because I am always actually in the fights. planting the bombs during the fights! although i have some bombs as a backup plan but not too much ! I even sometimes go for aghs and put my sign under THE ENEMIES T3 TOWER and we take the tower and the rax so easily.

                  casual gamer


                    Optimus Drip

                      yasi is indeed correct: play him pos 3 offlane and be a lane bully. how could they change him? fix his fucking proximity mines, those things are shit.
                      EDIT: All i do is pos 3 offlane techies and i have a 60% winrate with getting close to 900 games. I am not saying there are zero other ways to play him, but pos 5 techies is WAAAAY worse than pos 3 solo offlane techies.

                      < blank >

                        chill echli, musch nur wüsse wie mer gege de schiischopf spielt

                        Tommy Shelby


                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            My cousin spammed techies and he rise from 2.9K to 3.5K quite fast,he even tried techies mid xD


                              ich ha 0 problem geg techis, mis problem isch me wenn ich mit techis im tem spiele


                                We dont understand german. English plz.