General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy mostly SEA love to all carry and how to beat em ?

Why mostly SEA love to all carry and how to beat em ? in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    From my EXP, approx 75 % of my enemies is all carry and mostly they won.

    I can't move to East EU or US zone cause my internet isn't good enough for playing that.


      say puta in chat and they started to get emotional and retarded.


        Go 5 carry vs 5 carry


          because normal skill

          Preap Sovath

            @Kanna hardly do but it's super effective!


              where's the admin, there's no edited in every post.


                @Renshin I still get 5 man carry on my team :laugh:


                  even at solo rank on high 3k?


                    5 carry lineups needs item to work with
                    You can just steamroll them, take all their tier 2 20 minutes in and box them up inside their fountain by shoving all the waves in, take roshan, farm both jungle, and go in once your lead is enough to siege highgrounds
                    Usually NS retards won't even think of cutting waves/sneak roshan/backstab smoke gank and will simply stay inside and fight 5v5 to defend their highground although there's no way that fight can be won


                      Dont listen to bws . All you gotta do is flame your teammate for farming slow and contest jungle with your own teammate . It will boost your morale !!!!!!


                        That too


                          yes, dont listen to bws,
                          flame your teammates for being dogshit at the game
                          if you're the last pick and your team is all 4 cores, say fuck you, i go jungle
                          or make a new acc to get higher mmr ez


                            :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


                              flame your teammates for being dogshit at the game
                              if you're the last pick and your team is all 4 cores, say fuck you, i go jungle
                              or make a new acc to get higher mmr ez

                              You steal their lane, scream "me farm", and if they insisted you either walk down mid or jungle with any hero, and rush midas.
                              If you get the lane, autoattack the creep wave, dive towers, and feed, blame your team, it'll boost your team morale.
                              After your +25 you'll start to notice that you actually deserve better MMR, now, go hang out at the seatards thread and trade your 2k trench account for a 3k, and proceed to pretend you're 3k because you managed to survive there.

                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                ^seems like someone just did that , i forgot who :thinking:


                                  ^ you made them mad and got their inner shitness out.


                                    Pretty sure it was an indonesian dude... what was his name? bryant?


                                      Bunch of people with ego issues


                                        Pretty sure bws is wrong. Obviously the answer is to get 5 carry yourself and be the better carry contest all your other carries show dominance and win


                                          Diox is right here


                                            3 wards in enemy jungle and a venomancer with ultimate. Best solution for 5 man carry pine up.

                                            Ward ancients 2 wards
                                            1 ward near large camp. Also as venom you can afford wards easily.
                                            Take ti tower after juggling for 5min then ward their jungle. Farm while your ultimate is down and then repeat with t2.
                                            Your carry will be farmed. Enemy will be psychologically debated by now and flaming each other. If they push you can defend with plague ward.
                                            Ban nature prophet.


                                              Plus not to forget vision while pushing so u don't get initiated easily by enemy.


                                                End game before38min or lose


                                                  be with the trash like me if they're trash then I will be better at them being trash 10/10 would make team rage and report you at least they'll get serious and carry you at the end


                                                    you really need to beat them being a trash if they're bad them get better at being bad too talk trash to them while raging