^I used to, I still think that behavior score actually does do something, not the actual score but I do think when your reported you then get matched more with other players who are recently reported. But that doesn't mean shit, you can 1v9 and win with an all feeder team once you know how. Thankfully I learned from cookies how to 1v9
how do u have such low behaviour score though. lol
there's no real logic though.
one way is to get 10 1000 behaviour score acounts at the same mmr, and see if they consistently get into the same games
i just checked ive 8k sth. and i also got the message in summary i got reported 4 times "D.
i flamed death prohet for making SNY first item
u are just 2k man
it would be concerning if you would be unable to win it all in 2k after taking cooki lessons
there's 3ks who think behaviour score holds him down and he denounces cooki because dota is a team game.
i remember having 1k behavior score when my internet was dogshit and kept disconnecting me and giving me abandons
it's definitely my teammates that lost me games back then
nothing to do with my skill or internet connection Kappa
Why would people think bahaviour score has anything to do with the match? I never had once thought that my behaviour score is the cause of me being dogshit its just me being dogshit as a player.
Behaviour score influences your experience.
but the enemy team also has low behaviour score, so no matter what you can always win.
I keep telling myself that even if I have to play 1v5, enemy team is the same, i just have to play better then the enemy guy that has to play 1v5.
And if all things go wrong it's only -25. even if you have a 60% winrate you will loose 40 games out of hundred and only gain 500 mmr. just takes time, raging over a lost game is stupid
Ok nvm, I figured it out.
Behaviour score is 7771, is it any good?
Also, what does all this other shit mean?
I mean, you can see which category you were commended in and your party and solo MMRs, but the rest?
Also, any way you can see your so called 'hidden mmr' through this?
My behavior score is 3825.
I just abandon too many matches because of weak internet connection and power issues with my village.
behavior score does not influence the mm in any way
it is a mere observation, same as, for instance, your pick versatility
Behavior score doesn't mean anything. Mine's 9833 and still get assholes in my matches.
My behaviour score is 159 and this is the kind of games i typically get
I don't get the point of this post, you have either:
a) posted screenshots of your smurf account or,
b) posted screenshots of someone boosting your account.
You don't honestly expect me to believe that an actual 2000 mmr player is averaging 700/800 spamming TA over the past 20 matches do you?
Here's a photo of a low account I had fun on before the new phone number requirement was introduced.
That guy was pretty confident that he could reach 5k in a month
Someone is boosting his account for sure
Like why can't you reach 5k earlier if you were good ?
You are 100% paying someone to get 25 mmr xd
Great story scrub, hope you wont ruin those 5k players games in the future
How is he suppose to gain 3k mmr in a month? He needs to have an average gain of 4 wins each day, but he doesn't even play that much.
Is in no way holding you back from winning, check my games, feeders, and im winning when enemy team is up in kills. Even if there is a hidden pool, it does not stop you from winning if your good. Only thing holding you back is yourself.