General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat am I lacking?

What am I lacking? in General Discussion

    tell me what to improve on to reach 5k


      Responsibility <3

      mr. rabbit

        play time


          Just keep practicing/playing and you should get there as long as you're improving.


            Renshin teach me how to reach 4k please


              The heroes you are choosing to play in ranked


                Its not about the hero its about the player
                Unless you're looking for shortcuts by spamming broken meta heroes like Jacked which is inefficient compared to magically skipping 1k mmr :)


                  i wont resort to spamming troll or spec for some ez mmr


                    if you don't want to do the work nor spam the heroes then you don't want the mmr

                    end of conversation.


                      Lul. Your loss then. If you think about it, you're already a 5k player with the right heroes.

                      But if u mean u wanna be a 5k player with shitty heroes then that's a whole different story.

                      Then you are better off asking "how to be a 5k wisp, Chen, etc" and whatever hero u like to play.

                      But for real though. I don't mean spam troll or spec, every patch u need to find that one hero that fits well with you, that speaks to u, that u understand, and least importance (fits the meta). I can still play weaver to win but that hero doesn't talk to me in this patch anymore. You know what I'm saying?


                        I get what you're saying