General Discussion

General DiscussionRole>MMR

Role>MMR in General Discussion

    A lot of people have said that a 1-2k mmr difference meant the higher rated player could beat the lower rated player in any lane and any hero

    But then I played this game

    This honestly can't be true
    There are probably plenty of excuses as to how I won this game, but brew had double my mmr and still couldn't carry the enemy

    Clearly this shows that there's more that goes into a matchup than just mmr, although if you have another explanation I'd like to hear it

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      1.he randomed
      2.normal matchmaking
      3.wk build


        its only 4k mmr

        its not that different


          Pub dota
          Meme builds


            it's unrank
            who da hell even tryhards at unrank games


              Mmr is not a reflection of how good someone is at dota, but a reflection of his ability to win games with random people
              Yes, skill can be included, but what if he plays a role he's dogshit at? What if he's memeing with random ass build? What if he tilted and talked shit to everyone and afk at fountain? You can't just claim someone with 2k+ mmr advantage than you would just crush you with any hero with any build mouse only

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                Don't listen to dora . Mmr is just a number . You stayed in 2k cuz your team hold you back , trust me

                Story Time

                  also, people ply drunk in unranked, pls consider that sometimes


                    @3.8k weeaboo
                    might want to improve your reading comprehension if that's what you understood

                    死の恐怖 Haseo



                        so you're saying you won against brew in the midlane?

                        whatever. being higher mmr doesnt mean u win normal skill games. those games are already balanced (he might have a noob on his team)


                          unless he is smurfing, then he should definitely win


                            all things held equal he would shit on you 9/10.


                              role = mmr

                              why won't you get it?


                                I agree with op Role>Mmr . 3/4k is not that good anyway to begin with