General Discussion

General DiscussionDB Most Experience record is useless after DotA update April 19th 2017

DB Most Experience record is useless after DotA update April 19th 2017 in General Discussion

    DotA update:

    a fix has been added to stop calculating player XPM once they reach level 25

    So after this update the XPM is frozen once a hero reaches level 25.

    I decided to take a look at my Experience record and noticed I recently got a new record. This is not surprising since DB calculates the total Experience by taking the game time and multiplying it with your XPM. This calculation was fine until April 19th but now its broken!

    Since the XPM is frozen this however creates a completely useless experience number that in no way resembles the amount of experience you gained in that match.

    I suggest changing the Experience record to a XPM record. Since XPM is frozen upon reaching level 25 it directly correlates to how fast you gained experience. Also there's no way to track all the experience you gained after reaching level 25 without replay parsing and the stat itself is less meaningful than the new and fixed XPM.


    Dota XPM stat got changed on April 19th, DB still uses their old calculation to make up a meaningless number that is no longer related to experience. Change it to XPM record.


      experience gain was always frozen at 25
      getting 25, needing 1 xp but killing most farmed enemy in the game will give u xp record


          inx4c did you even read the patch note blog post?

          a fix has been added to stop calculating player XPM once they reach level 25

          Regardless, the calculation from DB is now WRONG because of that change and also experience is not record worthy but rather XPM!



            mom said it's my turn to ...

              Ehh? So what exactly is wrong? Would you rather the game keep on counting your diminishing XPM after you hit lvl 25 in a long game?

              mom said it's my turn to ...

                And also, there is an XPM record already, along with other per minute records like hero damage, gold etc



                  hmmmm :thinking:
                  max level xp needed = 26905

                  hmmmmmm indeed


                    Thanks for letting us know about this bug, I'll file an issue for it


                      You could change it to fastest level 25 and just use the highest XPM record:

                      [fastest level 25] = [lvl 25 XP needed] / [XPM record]

                      So if my XPM record is 1100 that means my fastest level 25 is:

                      26905 / 1100 = 24.46 minutes = 24 minutes 28 seconds

                      Instead the current Experience record for a 90 minute game with 1100 XPM is: 99.000

                      And this number has no relevance and no relation to anything that happened in that game. It's just a made up number (since the recent changes where XPM are frozen after hitting 25).
