General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 7.06

Dota 7.06 in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    Time to shit on kids with TA once again lul

    Luna MoM disassembled into Fly + Satanic lul

    Halberd best item lul

    gl playing Naga in pubs (will still do it lul)

    "Added Scepter for Medusa. Causes Mystic Snake to turn enemies into stone for 1 second. Increases by 0.2 seconds per bounce." lul

    MK = AW tier lul

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Allow me to clear four jungles in a minute lul


        drow deso skadi is insane

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Forgot to say this, gonna shit on kids with Panda once again. Have one on the house, plebs!


            Cheers gonna be shitting ppl with sven too


              thats 12 agility less at lvl 25 doesnt mean shit for her


                @ cant wait for new sven armelt meme's his ult ends and he has 1 hp ROFL


                  Semdrengr is so high right now lmao

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    Bane mid, rush midas, get bloodstone, get agh's



                      4astral charge od xD

                      Dire Wolf

                        On deso -----------------------------------------------------------
                        New PA build is going to be mask of madness, deso, diffusal. Jesus man.

                        Drow will get skadi and slow you to like 0% movement. Sniper loves deso now. Main issue with it before was you couldn't get deso and lifesteal or skadi so you would be a glass cannon. I guess with pike and s&y/manta/bkb that's not such a huge issue as it was before.

                        Idk if it affects many others. Not to many heroes love uams and deso. Viper I never build skadi or deso anyway, clinkz maybe, ursa maybe he goes deso and diffusal and lifesteal now. Maybe lycan. Maybe TA with diffusal but I think lifesteal TA is still bad?

                        XP -----------------------------------------------------------
                        I'm not sure how to deny thing changes the game much. It makes you level faster, but also doesn't slow down opponent. Overall difference in xp is very minimal.

                        Old melee creep: 45 xp, deny = 22.5, enemy gets +22.5 compared to denier
                        New melee creep: 40 xp, deny xp = 28, your xp = 12, difference is +16 compared to denier

                        Overall lessens deny xp different by like 26%. So I guess that's significant.

                        Offlaners -----------------------------------------------------------
                        BIG nerf. The 1 minute jungle thing helps out a big but shrines aren't available until 5 mins and xp in jungle is reduced. So only really helps if you stay in jungle and abandon lane on a hero who has regen and isn't as shrine dependent. Like doom or axe with his tranqs. You can't push out wave at 2 mins, go jungle everything, shrine up and go back to lane.

                        Heroes -----------------------------------------------------------
                        Alchemist is the most interesting cus they reduced greevils greed a lot but there's an extra creep in lane now and jungle respawns way faster. But radiance nerfed and illusions nerfed. Overall I'm not sure. It seems like he can farm a lot more with minute respawns.

                        TB and naga nerfed with illusion changes and radiance for naga. I don't think it throws them out of meta though.

                        Jakiro one is interesting, I love pure dmg ult through magic immune but it's at 25.

                        Monkey king already kind of sucked but it's atrocious now.

                        Medusa aghs looks like a gimmick but still might be fun.

                        Razor is a step in the right direction but probably not enough to fix since anyone can just pike away and break link.


                          Dazzle with aghs
                          Ward gold cost reduced
                          1m spawn NC

                          Welcome support life xD


                            i dont think you go mask on pa. She needs to be able to use her skills and they're all less than 8s cd. You could already do drow skadi as of 7.00. Also weaver satanic with deso.

                            Story Time

                              why is everyone so silent about silencer? :D he gonna rekt now


                                windranger with a new talent got now invisibility during windrun! lmao Im gona enjoy her even more.

                                PS. Can someone explain me the XP/gold deny?
                                Ive been denaying creeps alot so now I just wonder whats the benefits I will get.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Cus aghs is a shitty stat item. Silencer carry still needs a bunch of other stuff and doesn't farm well. I don't think it's any more or less viable now just not heavily countered by bkb.


                                    Warlock talent lv 20 seemsgood
                                    Axe aghanim 30% damage reduction when success culling enemy maybe broken ?


                                      i think carry silencer still goes aghs. It's so good damage wise.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Aghs doesn't help you farming at all, it's a bkb counter and some burst when you ult. Very useful but like a 3rd or 4th item. You still need pike and orchid or scythe or shivas or atos first. Not sure about new atos.


                                          no you definitely don't rush it. But when those bkb's start coming out that limits your damage, this makes him so much stronger.


                                            also how does cw cogs work with denies. because if you can get xp from those its actually op.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              OMG Just woke up. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' TIME TO READ IT! >.<

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                no they dont give xp.

                                                Forgot about PA's cooldowns, mask probably not that great on her. Idk though, I still want to see. Dagger is 6 seconds, blink strike is only 8/5 at ranks 3/4. So maybe early mask, you are going like max blur first and leaving blink strike at rank 2 or 3 til 16 or so, maybe then it's worth it? Or maybe you know a hero can't really escape your slow and blink + 17% ms on mask so you just yolo blink, dagger, mask onto them. Could be good.

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  getting a 120 as item on a hero who gets 130 from a 5 sec cooldowh skill :thinking:


                                                    man its always fun to read those theorycrafting threads lmao


                                                      Wait i thought they increased the illu dmg for towers


                                                        drow deso sounds atrocious.
                                                        why tf wud u not buy stat items on a hero with precision aura?
                                                        I'm just thinking abt my sf farming everything, and my ember is unchanged and my od now has another useless item.
                                                        idk this patch doesn't directly affect my heroes as much as it buffs farming faster, which is good.


                                                          bluestars pls write somehing so i can learn


                                                            axe should still be good. ags might be viable?


                                                              lol not only that golem spawns on warlock's death
                                                              but the whole ult is casted with the aoe stun

                                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                1 min nc is back making carries ordering support to stack for them again feelsbadman
                                                                And they totally encourage the game to end after 40 min
                                                                So techies cant even stop you now
                                                                I think NS is going to be top picked pos4 with that 2 sec flying i can easily position my self across the cliffs avoiding ward vision for ez mid gank or deep warding, absolute fucking OP
                                                                Sven OP too now that MoM can be disassemble his late game trans is easier
                                                                I always wonder what will valve do after balancing everything and tada they fuck it up all over again so they can keep everyone screaming "Balance pls" and have work to do


                                                                  Seperate mom to bloodtorn and satanic seemsgood


                                                                    Aghs Silencer is like the slot 5 or 6 for him, its just a compliment to his already great damage output if you snowball and carry.