General Discussion

General DiscussionGirls that play

Girls that play in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo

    Why is that funny? Supporting and being good at it is actually how you climb.

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      why are all weeaboos shit at dota fucking two

      i d k I'm not a weeb, but I believe it is because they think they are a main character in a world where we all are really irrelevant and pointless.

      So, they watch their Elfen Lied or Her Academia and then have this false sense of being good because they want to be a special snow flake when they are just subhuman for being brainwashed so easily.

      I enjoy anime here and there, but holy shit, nerd out with other fans, not every person you come across.

      You are so right, Goethe. Gotta agree with you there.




          whomst'd've thought that!

          死の恐怖 Haseo



              I have played with two girls who are 6k+, there is also another who posted a thread here once. The reason there are less women at the top is very simple, much less women play Dota than dudes and there are very few female role models in the scene to look up to, so ofc you end up with only very few girls who have played competitive dota at a competent level. You are right in that lots of women play supports etc, if I had to guess it's because many of them get into the game due to their boyfriends/whatever and as a result naturally end up playing the support role.


                i think the amount of female dota 2 players i higher than we think, simply because they are scared of sexism

                => they don't use mic, cuz otherwise its "go back to the kitchen, lo l girsl suck im 10 btw"

                how can u tell wether someones a girl or not, except if they use mic ingame? i definetly can't


                  Dont tell me i have met a grill on my games before. Most player in mah branket dont even use voice so T.T. Anyway i think sheepdick is quite good at dota

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Oh yeah. Supporting and doing right = mmr boosting.

                    What did some of you say in this thread and across multiple threads that I am too lazy to dig and screenshot for proof? I will put in bold what you said it was girls do often in Dota a lot of girls play support in Dota

                    Supporting = ez mmr, so if these girls are supporting and are stuck in 2k, they need to work on something.

                    And I guess the only girl to impress me was this one chick from about... I want to say 8 months ago. She was a Jugg, and only used her mic to coordinate. I was supporting, it was a low 4k game with her being about 4.7 or so.

                    That was a neat little twist for once. And no one was being weird or flirting with her. I think that happens more in low tier games because I remember some voice chats from my 2k games lol

                    The chats were so bad.

                    Like. I know the majority of players are in 2k, but holy shit mmr can really = personality sometimes lol


                      op u are 4k, what makes u think ure good at dota :thinking:

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        i think the amount of female dota 2 players i higher than we think, simply because they are scared of sexism
                        => they don't use mic, cuz otherwise its "go back to the kitchen, lo l girsl suck im 10 btw"
                        how can u tell wether someones a girl or not, except if they use mic ingame? i definetly can't

                        I can see that in low tier games. Sadly, the guys are more pathetic in my eyes since they do not know how to react. They hear a chick and go fucking nuts and do not know how to act. It's embarrassing.

                        The way I usually find out is if they like me and add me, and if they did not use their mic I ask them to voice chat with me for a quick moment, and they do usually. If they don't, then I warn them that I will be calling them a boy and whatnot, plus reactions to shit jokes always gives it away.

                        Girls like poop jokes.

                        But the harrassment after a girl uses mic thing, I never see that in 4k+.

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          op u are 4k, what makes u think ure good at dota

                          Because, when I was 2k people laughed at me and said I would never hit 4k.

                          And despite being trolled, laughed at, belittled, and baited, I proved those players wrong, and will continue to climb and improve to be the very best I can be.

                          I have not touched my solo much lately because I want my party mmr to get to 4k, that, and playing with friends is fun, and to get to 4k I declined A LOT of party games and ignored some friends for my solo grind (which I felt bad about).

                          Aside from that, I build dependant on games, always try to help teammates (which is why I support/roam since a few months ago I discovered that those roles are my strong points) and Dota is a team game.

                          I love team work, melting down heroes and towers since it is easy to do.

                          The challenging part is getting your team to do it with you : (


                            there are definitely capable female gamers out there and also high mmr players.

                            there are definitely less female gamers in dota compared to males, I think any anecdotal evidence is flawed.

                            imho female gamers are less likely to talk in games so they don't get harassed by idiots

                            also related:

                            people who posted in this thread with derogatory references to dotabuff staff have been temporarily muted.

                            I think this topic is not particularly controversial but asking for a ban will get you one.

                            not going to lock this topic yet but please keep on the topic without disparaging remarks.


                                wow what happened i thought that banned again just for the sake of it as usual


                                  Not entirely true.

                                  There's a female russian streamer goes by the name yaaaaai that is 6.5k and mains invoker and shadowfiend. In some of her games if I didn't know better I would assume i'm watching an 8k smurf.

                                  mentally handicapped

                                    thank you for the mild punishment of 3 days mute lul


                                      it's possible another mod might (rightly) make another judgement on this thread.

                                      But in the meantime there are articles people could read about the lack of females in esports in general and potential reasons why:




                                      even more interesting, is the analysis of why there are less female grandmasters in chess, compared to males:



                                      I've heard a compelling argument personally, which is that girls are less likely to be brought up playing games than males, and for a lot of games it is very important to start early. Think of your favourite players and when they started playing games. Probably in their early teens? Until girls get the same early start, nurtured by their parents or friends, they are far less likely to have the same experience by the time they're young adults. Therefore there are less girl gamers, and less experience for girl gamers. Add on to the fact that society doesn't encourage female gamers to continue in their careers, and you have what we have today.

                                      TL;DR: I think how children are brought up in a household plays a huge part in the issue. I don't believe it is related to biological differences.


                                        The only chance i see a girl playing dota is in my internet cafes and based on that data they all noob and play support (because their boyfrend usually carry)
                                        But my small amount of data cant make it true tho


                                          But if you want to looking for something to disprove you then just go sew twitch. There are plenty of them


                                            doesn't matter if gril is bad at least you play with her


                                              Locking this thread down.

                                              If you want to have a proper discussion on diversity in dota, maybe not lead with a sexist question.
                                              I'm happy that many in here have rightfully pointed out that skill is not gender-related, but regardless there's still quite a bit of hate in here that doesn't help the discussion or the overall issue.

                                              I'd be more than happy to see an actual discussion come to fruition at some point