General Discussion

General DiscussionMid lane equilibrium 7.06

Mid lane equilibrium 7.06 in General Discussion

    I'm finding it harder to maintain the creeps near my side now with the extra melee creep is there a solution to this. Or it could just be I'm bad.


      ignore the equilibrium and take lasthits/denies and harass a lot.

      aggro cooldown is now 3 seconds


        less creep aggro, try to block every wave, attack your creeps immediately when they are below 50% ofc dont forget about CS LUL


          Mid level 12 while offlanes at level 4-5.
          It's like
          get TA go Mid rush Deso GG
          too bad i hate TA


            You probably are 100% bad but u have megumin as your profile picutre so i say icefrog fucked midlane with one extra creep


              well mid have much more impact in game now its a drasctic change, with 1 more creep and with this deny getting experience thing. if you have a bad match up on mid you gonna loose it so hard, and you will not be able to catch up by farming jungle. everything will happen around mid now, everyone will / msut refuse to loose that lane since more gold and exp than all others in first 15 min. this will rly fuck up low mmr games where players are not aware at all how important mid is now.