General Discussion

General Discussionleast respectable mains

least respectable mains in General Discussion

    Imo ogre magi. Insanley boring to play, goddawful cosmetics, and a tryhard pick too.

    Pa instapickers are p bad too. Her only redeeming quality is that she has cute cosmetics. 90% of the time pa spammers are getting carried by their team. I have 2k hours in dota across accounts and not a single memory of a pa player impressing me with some high slill decisions.

    Slark players are usually carried by bad enemies. Slarks lose their lane like 85% of the time and still win in low brackets. Spamming him is like using the p90 is cs, it usually puts scrubs higher than their real mmr.


      fml I've been picking ogre to get the quest finished and I've lost both games so far.

      people build bkb or linkens and the game is insta-awful.

      it's like carries on my team never by bkb but the instant I pick ogre every other opponent builds bkb.

      Lets do Science

        Ogre Magi's fun when you feel like punching people in the face with spells and you don't feel like being a zombie. Really though, there isn't any hero in this game thats "fun" to play more than 10 matches in a row.


          In pubs you should go midas into force/ghost/glimmer, maybe even iron talon. If you wont explicitly win the early game, then ogre ia automatically bad imo.


            only autists main it

            Président® Salted Butter

              @yuma kuga just be a giant dick to their midlaner and kill people lul

              Président® Salted Butter

                Kotl and undying mains can fuck themselves


                  Maybe jugg,naix,void. carries withgoditer bail out skills are technically the least respectable but they're good so spam em haha


                    I don't know about unrespected mains but I'd give my deepest respect to Rubick main. I myself kinda main Nyx though but slowly transforming to Rubick





                        Rubick is fun to play 100 games in a row


                          it was supposed to be about zebrog not u, ididnt even know u main lich


                            Rofl, I know and to be honest I don't actually main Lich. This was just me being pragmatic.

                            In my other account where I don't play with constant 170-220 ping, I actually main Weaver.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              doesnt zebrog main pudge every time i got matched with/against him he was pudge iirc


                                Triple talking to himself again xd

                                deep name + dark anime pfp

                                  nobdy said techies yet monkaS


                                    People actually fell to that joke?


                                      @yuma kuga
                                      Come i will carry you if you wanted to. I can play on aus btw


                                        Faceless void

                                        All unrespectable bland braindead heroes


                                          omniknight warlock lich


                                            I feel like everyone will hate me for saying my main is viper.

                                            Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                              Pudge pickers

                                              white boy summer

                                                ember and storm is fun to play 150 games a row


                                                  Omni/ axe spammers.


                                                    ogre was fun in dota 1 tho

                                                    i hate spec spammers 40 apm beyond godlike


                                                      thx for the advice everyone. i bought midas on ogre and contributed shit all to the match. but we won!

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        apm means very little

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          i dont even think it counts camera contorl which is the most important thing to spend clicks/brain on


                                                            and theres this Chris guy, spamming my feed with Battlefury PA rampages.

                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              Any respect to (was) huskar spammer ? :(


                                                                All of mine


                                                                  Phantom assassin. Beginner level easiest hero ingame. I dont know why you spam this heavily luck related hero. Most of the fighting scenarios with this hero is no crit/evasion ure dead and crit/evasion enemy dead. All luck minimal skill hero i will rather play blackjack instead of pa

                                                                  I randomed pa once and i avoided getting rampage by letting 5th guy live coz i would get embarassed of having "parte had a rampage with pa" written on my page

                                                                  And slark mains disgust me. Hero made for pus$y players. He has 3 escape abilities not including sb. can run away from enemies with very low hp and after 10 sec he comes back with full hp for a round two

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    Ogre with oov going bashing people straight up in laning stage is the most retarded fun I've had but people never saw the quality in them
                                                                    Main Ogre is the safest path you can have as support player

                                                                    Bears Ate My Face

                                                                      Who tf mains?


                                                                        SF main, It's satisfying to see those dirty fighter asshole trying to SB their way in to the middle of my team position, try to cast ultimate only to be spotted then get beaten senseless on sight.

                                                                        Edit: I'm necro main but not as often as I used to be.


                                                                          I'd say arc warden spammers are the biggest shit stains in the Dota community.


                                                                            necro is disgusting actually


                                                                              Im Glad you all respect my Medusa.

                                                                              Erase Humanity


                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  Spamming silencer suport first pick is gold :=) never gets boring! But why some people tilt when they see him in their team after 1st pick?


                                                                                    Lich or omni

                                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                                      I would rather attempt to eventually expand my hero pool rather than limit it personally


                                                                                        As a person who mainly plays support/offlaner I can say that Jugg and Slark go eat a weiner
                                                                                        I get people who are saying lich etc, those heros are easy as feck to play so I understand that. However when it comes down to the amount of BS you get from jugg slark, the bullshit difference is orders of magnitude difference.

                                                                                        They just get so much out of their tool kits its unreal.
                                                                                        Jug : Magic immunity, mobile HOT for the team after a big fight or even during if the micro is good. His ultimate which is somewhat countered by ghost, euls however 90% of jugs go diffusal so fudge tgat . Unless you got some BKB piecing disable , spin TP get out of jail free card. Farms like the dickens and again, that god damn ulimate, doing 2000 damage to one target ez pz. Press R , win game. F that hero.

                                                                                        Slark : Dark pact, Purges off nearly everything, 7 second cool down. Oh it also does 300 damage. Pounce, escape mech, catch mech ,unless you got a blink hero/timber your dicked. Passive, well its fine, Ultimate and the synergy with SB, Silveredge. This hero becomes an antiward tool for his team. Good slarks can nearly pinpoint with ease as to where the wards are. While the pos 4-5 support is busy trying to finish his bracer or T boots slarks got his SB. He then bankrupts the supports with sentry wards. Smart slarks will continue to farm jungle , dumb ones will still try to solo gank. Meanwhile he is healing, all his spells are cheap mana wise and very spam able. Great talent tree. He is so frustrating to play against if the slark is good. You get him to 10% HP and he leaps away, or you dust him and he purges it off then uses his sb , gone. leaps out of sentry range, gone.

                                                                                        Seriously, why the F can this hero purge off dust but riki can't with his diffusal. Im not about to say give riki back that ability, but slark shouldn't be able to pact dust .

                                                                                        He also punishes your numbskull teammates who like to solo push. F that hero.

                                                                                        They both get way to much out of the tool kits. meanwhile on Shadow Demon, do you want 6 str or 10 move speed as your level 10 talent ? Lol