General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you guys experience this problem or not

Have you guys experience this problem or not in General Discussion

    I feel like my item is delayed by 1-2 min more if i am forced to go jungle. Is this because the early jungling got nerfed or i was just bad?

    mentally handicapped

      youre just bad


        depends, i used to get 6:30 min dagger with lc , now i have it arround 7:30 or 7:00


          Nah. It's legit. I felt it too. Item timings are somewhat delayed


            I think laning gold give much more gold than jungle


              Yep. But from my experience playing pos 1. The item timings are really delayed by i think 1-2 minutes. Sven normally gets treads mom 9-10 minutes on average(?) by doing lane>camp>lane and im getting it around 10-12 now. Idk if its just us, but thats what I felt


                I think the new way is to get the old timing back is to stack


                  there's 60% more gold on the map every 2 minutes

                  you're imagining it


                    The fuck. I have some issues here then


                      I mean you cant kill creep fast enough in the early levels. I have no problem farming after my core item


                        Yes there is technically more gold on the map, if you stack that is. I don't really jungle much, but I think the problem is that many heroes desperately need lvl 2 to accelerate their farm (which now requires to clear 2 camps) and if you are playing a jungle that can't clear stacks efficiently early then chances are you will have to go regen, shrines are also no longer available early so you can't grab a free heal with your mid. That combined effect slows you jungling early on. I do think that with heroes like axe that excel at clearing stacks your jungle will be faster tho.


                          Nah, not a lot of hero can flashfarming jungle from min 0 so your gold will be delayed. ofc there's more gold in the map but if nobody can get it, it's empty gold.


                            I've been saying this ever since the first day of the patch u ignorant fuck


                              Unless you play heroes like sven/luna who can clear camps efficiently at early levels you'd get your item timings kinda delayed