General Discussion

General DiscussionBought a battle pass for the first time in my life

Bought a battle pass for the first time in my life in General Discussion

    Firstly, any tips, suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated. I can't afford to buy levels and like the grind to get rewards and treasures, it feels more satisfying. Any tips on what I should focus on the most? What to avoid? Any hidden stuff people usually miss?

    Secondly, does anyone think certain features are 'pay-to-win' or 'pay-to-lose' in any way? Does having a very high level on most players on your team, betting a lot of tokens have some sort of intimidation factor or morale boost to your team? Does the tower level showdown even matter?


      If ur going for profit, do all the quests and keep the chests to sell.
      If u want the juicy prestige items...
      recycle the immortals u open I guess


        Battle pass points on your team is no indication of skill. Bet tokens if you think your team has a better draft than others, or if you normally have a > 50% win-rate anyway.

        Grinding out your daily/weekly achievements is probably the most reliable source of points, but otherwise pick the easy quests. Some of them like 'first blood/tower on your team' are pretty much 50/50 chance.


          @Yuma Kuga

          what sort of work do you do for Dotabuff aside from moderation? haven't seen you around until recently!


            so many cosmetics now, its an overload.
            Not worth it in my opinion unless you must have something

            most of the cosmetics are sort of stupid ( see snipers).
            Game is free however and its your money so go nuts my friend.


              haven't seen you around until recently!

              MFW i've been working here for over 2 years: :blink:

              what sort of work do you do for Dotabuff aside from moderation?

              I'm not a mod, just a dev. But devs can give themselves the power to be a mod :dac15_cool:

              but let's keep this topic on track :)


                @Yuma Kuga Yes, its true, battle points are not an indication of skill... But for many, this might count as an intimidation factor... Mainly because of the tower level showdown shit that happens before every match these days... Its like comparing dick sizes while not actually showing stamina or skill... ;)

                As for pay-to-lose, I think the best example is Mirana's sperm arrow a couple of battle passes back... Thing could be spotted from a mile away...


                  mirana's sperm arrow ( ) is surprisingly neutral in win-rate difference, I think most people are blind xD


                    Bp items are for sale? I thought you can't sell them this time


                      the very very rare ones are for sale, most of them are not until TI8.

                      < blank >

                        Where is scraps?


                          The quest and achievement pages are good sources of points to level up. Especially the queue time trivia, essentially free points. Just queue some weird game in a server at a weird time and you can keep playing the trivias. I got my 10k trivia score by queuing all random death match in japan server at 4 am japan time.


                            @kokoroko wait, so queue time trivia gives battle points? You sure? I didn't notice an increase or anything... Am I supposed to answer all questions correctly?

                            Also, thanks for the tip about levelling up points... I am doing quests and betting tokens as well... However, I'd like to know what the maximum possible level attainable is without spending money and just completing quests and shit? I plan on getting 3 stars on every quest on every path, but what after that? I have also bet all the 1000 tokens + 500 tribute tokens with a 100% winrate... Its not like I will keep getting unlimited tokens though... Lots of achievements to complete and bonus challenges there as well... Anything I missed?


                              @anomalina yes u get some battle points through the trivia. 250 for 1000 trivia points, 500 for 5000, and 1000 for 10000, after that it stops cus its an achievement thing not a quest.
                              I think some ppl did a calculation on reddit and said by doing all the challenges and bets you could hit lvl 75. You might be able to find more on reddit.


                                @kokoroko k, thanks dude... much appreciated!


                                  Anomalina why u dont play ranked ?


                                    I stopped playing ranked over a year ago because my internet couldnt handle it... There are 4 people in the house using a 2mpbs connection... I have an outdated laptop with 1.7 GHz processor, my area has power cuts every single day causing an exceptionally high amount of abandons... Its too frustrating... I played thousands of normal games after that and improved my own skill and awareness... I tried again a few weeks back and had to stop because the same thing happened again... I have to admit some things are out of my control...

                                    So yes, I am a 2k player with 3 thousand games under the belt... I am trash, admitted... Everyone on Dotabuff keep this pinned and mark it in the history of the forums... I will never contest my knowledge or skill level with you...

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Where do you live anyway?


                                        India. Surprised? Any racist comments coming to mind any of you? Because I don't care. I'm not patriotic anyway.


                                          This slarks helmet is sick though. Do you think its gonna be worth more than 20 euro?

                                          I just want this one particular item, so I guess theres no point paying 100 euro to upgrade compendium just for io arcana.


                                            India smells like shit everywhere, been there, smelled it. People shit everywhere and heavily pollute environment. In Ganges river you can find everything from dead bodies to leftovers of nuclear core.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Man. I just asked where you live since it seems like you are having so much trouble with your internet. The fuck is going through your mind such that you unnecessarily think ahead of everything that happens lol

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Also is it even remotely true that people shit in the streets? Was never sure what to think of it, I thought it was just a racist stereotype similar with black people liking watermelons so much


                                                  indians wipe with their left hands


                                                    You would know why I said that if you were an Indian playing on the SEA server revealing your nationality to pinoys and the likes...
                                                    Yes, it is true there are many poor cities in India, yes it is true in many of them homeless people poop on the roadside, yes it is true those below the poverty line using the old Indian-style toilet will wipe with their left hands, yes it is true there is trash everywhere but if you go to large metropolitan cities that are tourist and IT hubs, you will see less or none of this...


                                                      you had to buy ur bpass when it just came out, people were giving thousands of battlepoint trubutes, now its very rare, thats why iam at 19k won wagger when im waggered only 4k + araund 2k tributes


                                                        Just settle down. We know our beloved region is cancerous, but you don't need to let yourself down, specially your hometown.

                                                        I'm garbage btw :cheeky:

                                                        Edit: Regarding the topic, If you don't mind your kda ratio and want to earn more points easily.... do the "Battle Pass Abuse"
                                                        Just pray that nobody "runs"
