if ta gets to the point where shes picked every other game again i think im done
very cool hero "i lasthit and deny everything and u cant even trade with me unless u literally picked a direct counter haHAA"
maybe im missing some information on how medals work, but can this looks slightly unbalanced?
whatever, almost every game is a complete stomp, playing from behind seems to be hard in 3k
usually what happens when people pick windrunner offlane;
dies several times in lane, cant stay in lane
cries for help
i have to initiate all fights as pos 4
wr builds mjöllnir and splitpushes all game
i dont know how that playstyle on a pos 3 would work out, but its most probably not practicable in 3k. what does this hero offer? a shitty stun an ability to take down towers fast??
wr is a fucking godly offlane against retards
u just constantly out trade them, harass the support out of lane, play hard around wind run cd
go powershot and windrun max, no shackle shot, skip ulti at six
stuff like solar crest, force staff, even arcanes are ok before ur maelstrom
then u get blink
linkens is very good, but situational
enchantress dumpsters sven imo, axe less so
like a decent ench just runs over sven, and at no point will sven even be able to hit ench properly, until he gets bkb, but then ench kites him with her insane ms and the pike she has now etc
how r u gonna hit ench she is like 40 ms faster than u
i mean lategame he can blow u up, but the point is she just dicks ur lane, takes ur towers, and snowballs outta control
Rofl he just told you how a few posts ago. You don't even have to hit her, just hit a creep that happens to be next to her when you use your damn AoE stun.
Add an Echo Sabre (which he ALSO mentioned before, rofl do you even read?) for more fun.
cant ench just counterplay by keeping her creeps away
a troll, centaur, golem, even frost ogre can save her
either way i dont feel like it shud get to that point, cuz she beats u in lane so easily
hey guys im just sharing my opinion alright if im wrong jsut correct me lAWLl! why do people call me a retard im just discussing stuff! if u dont agree just explain why im wrong mkay(cant be too hard, its not like i have an intelligence of an oyster)? im daddy of hell btw! ;)
calibration games are LITERALLY 1 game unloosable - 1 game unwinnable
DUDE theres a fucking last pick mid warlock and first pick AM, a WD that cries from start of the game and declares he is carry (brown boos aghs rush ofc lmao), and an AM that refuses to leave jungle and doesnt splitpush at all (ofc after i spend all early game trying to salvage his lane and he gets a BF at 16min despite a griefeing afk WD) , topped with an iranian savage baboon screaming into the mic nonstop
i mean what the f can i do, all my lost games are like this, and all my won games are like this but the enemy team looks like that.
then the last game i won, enemy team;
axe that literally didnt land a single call all game, a grieving shadow demon feeding and a sniper that walks around alone all game splitpushing basically dies nonstop and a S&Y pheonix which probably never played the hero before
Dota has become so garbage since this update it doesnt even matter how i play, im 100% even if i feeded i would have won those games
I mean come on, i feeded my to 2.3 from calibration and climbed back to 3.2 barely loosing any matches maybe 5 or 6, getting 4 recommends almost every game, now i get this shit out of nowhere
Hmm... our team has two pos 5 supports, a pos 4 roamer, nobody has marked safelane carry or mid yet, and 2 of our heroes want to go offlane. I wonder what our last pick is going to be? I know, a fucking Bristleback against a QoP and AM.
3 fucking matches of losing the exact same way.
3 SFs in my team feeding. 3 fat invokers got fat.
2 of those games enemy picked luna and is just outta control farming.
i have no idea what to do in a mid game as jugg with an afk SF whos desperately trying to farm up, with an over farmed invoker and a pudge taking over map control, and a luna who's just happily getting the maximum free farm in map.
>Forced to solo lane against mirana and pudge, still manage to get ok farm
>Sperg WK picks jungle after not getting to play pos 1 MK, causing the Veno to shit his pants and start afking jungling as well.
>Sniper feeds like crazy.
>Timber feeds like crazy
>retard build pa snowballs too hard for us to stop
>Clearly my fault for failing to carry hard enough.
Assholes getting mad even when we win matches. Had to solo offlane against a WD, Venge, and Jugg, who kept wrapping behind t1 tower and diving it. Then our support gyro had to cry about me feeding, but then had to pat each other on the back when they won their lanes against a single opponent.
brew is good thats why
haze spam is PRETTY GOOD
Middle Won
tinker plus dusa "strategy"
if ta gets to the point where shes picked every other game again i think im done
very cool hero "i lasthit and deny everything and u cant even trade with me unless u literally picked a direct counter haHAA"
at least it doesnt math u with 3ks which is something i guess
avg mmr: 4051
i was 4.6 before rework btw
Fuck my lane?
I fuck your game
I spammed ping on SB for fucking a cs and he spammed ping back and continue to ruin my farm lmao good shit
just played against a qop who blinked into enemy t1 4 times
"minimap issue"
divine 5 player guys
game yesterday: offlane tinker
game today: offlane windrunner, sven pick into enchantress+axe
GG ever since this rework my games have been total trash
theres nothing wrong with both offlane wr and sven vs ench axe
whatever, almost every game is a complete stomp, playing from behind seems to be hard in 3k
usually what happens when people pick windrunner offlane;
dies several times in lane, cant stay in lane
cries for help
i have to initiate all fights as pos 4
wr builds mjöllnir and splitpushes all game
i dont know how that playstyle on a pos 3 would work out, but its most probably not practicable in 3k. what does this hero offer? a shitty stun an ability to take down towers fast??
wr is a fucking godly offlane against retards
u just constantly out trade them, harass the support out of lane, play hard around wind run cd
go powershot and windrun max, no shackle shot, skip ulti at six
stuff like solar crest, force staff, even arcanes are ok before ur maelstrom
then u get blink
linkens is very good, but situational
enchantress dumpsters sven imo, axe less so
like a decent ench just runs over sven, and at no point will sven even be able to hit ench properly, until he gets bkb, but then ench kites him with her insane ms and the pike she has now etc
? stun ench hit creep ench dead
hit creep once wait 5s blink stun ench kill her with 2 max ias echo hits
how r u gonna hit ench she is like 40 ms faster than u
i mean lategame he can blow u up, but the point is she just dicks ur lane, takes ur towers, and snowballs outta control
if only sven had a stun that holds things still
ench wins lane against literally almost every hero in the game, sven is better at killing her from 20 minutes onwards than a lot of carries
how does sven kill an untouchable ench without bkb?
isnt attack slow super effective cuz his BAT is lower than normal
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Rofl he just told you how a few posts ago. You don't even have to hit her, just hit a creep that happens to be next to her when you use your damn AoE stun.
Add an Echo Sabre (which he ALSO mentioned before, rofl do you even read?) for more fun.
Also, nice to see this thread again. There's always quality shit here.
then i go 14/0 as am against axe slark invoker
i think the game got tilted in my favor tbh
wait why am i arguing for this, who tf plays ench in the frontline
cant ench just counterplay by keeping her creeps away
a troll, centaur, golem, even frost ogre can save her
either way i dont feel like it shud get to that point, cuz she beats u in lane so easily
hey guys im just sharing my opinion alright if im wrong jsut correct me lAWLl! why do people call me a retard im just discussing stuff! if u dont agree just explain why im wrong mkay(cant be too hard, its not like i have an intelligence of an oyster)? im daddy of hell btw! ;)
Very funny and cool comment
U rlly R O A S T E D me and boosted ur crippling self esteem.
since the update my WR has shot up. Feels good man
as far as im concerned this game is definitive proof that ta is completely broken, I played like complete garbage and had 800 gpm for free
If I wasnt a retard the enemy team never wouldve even disabled backdoor protection
How the fuck am I supposed to win this game
Apparently spending 10k gold on support items isn't enough
it was a long and close game, why are u even complaining. it wasn't unwinnable. someone fucked up the late game and lost.
calibration games are LITERALLY 1 game unloosable - 1 game unwinnable
DUDE theres a fucking last pick mid warlock and first pick AM, a WD that cries from start of the game and declares he is carry (brown boos aghs rush ofc lmao), and an AM that refuses to leave jungle and doesnt splitpush at all (ofc after i spend all early game trying to salvage his lane and he gets a BF at 16min despite a griefeing afk WD) , topped with an iranian savage baboon screaming into the mic nonstop
i mean what the f can i do, all my lost games are like this, and all my won games are like this but the enemy team looks like that.
then the last game i won, enemy team;
axe that literally didnt land a single call all game, a grieving shadow demon feeding and a sniper that walks around alone all game splitpushing basically dies nonstop and a S&Y pheonix which probably never played the hero before
Dota has become so garbage since this update it doesnt even matter how i play, im 100% even if i feeded i would have won those games
I mean come on, i feeded my to 2.3 from calibration and climbed back to 3.2 barely loosing any matches maybe 5 or 6, getting 4 recommends almost every game, now i get this shit out of nowhere
very interesting report
my rank varying so wildly is causing emotional damage
Hmm... our team has two pos 5 supports, a pos 4 roamer, nobody has marked safelane carry or mid yet, and 2 of our heroes want to go offlane. I wonder what our last pick is going to be? I know, a fucking Bristleback against a QoP and AM.
arnold i dono man but your games sound fun as hell. lmao
what the fuck is this sorcery
3 fucking matches of losing the exact same way.
3 SFs in my team feeding. 3 fat invokers got fat.
2 of those games enemy picked luna and is just outta control farming.
i have no idea what to do in a mid game as jugg with an afk SF whos desperately trying to farm up, with an over farmed invoker and a pudge taking over map control, and a luna who's just happily getting the maximum free farm in map.
A not snowballing juggernaut is a guaranteed loss
lul u high mate, since when is jugg a snowballing hero. i mean any carry can snowball sure.
I hope you're joking
I hope your joking too. Lul.
Mr stuck in 2k fake 3k 20%wr jugg in 1k wkekwkwk
>Forced to solo lane against mirana and pudge, still manage to get ok farm
>Sperg WK picks jungle after not getting to play pos 1 MK, causing the Veno to shit his pants and start afking jungling as well.
>Sniper feeds like crazy.
>Timber feeds like crazy
>retard build pa snowballs too hard for us to stop
>Clearly my fault for failing to carry hard enough.
Assholes getting mad even when we win matches. Had to solo offlane against a WD, Venge, and Jugg, who kept wrapping behind t1 tower and diving it. Then our support gyro had to cry about me feeding, but then had to pat each other on the back when they won their lanes against a single opponent.
Nice job on stagnating sg boi still hovering around 3.7k I see