General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    wat did you just watch a replay and took an ss lol,thankyou for your effort

    i was reffering to dr dee actualy

    not arin

      i made that screenshot earlier, i just pulled it off discord

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Nothing happened, Im just a master class void player


          Lol i was literally 1-6 at 7 mins, my lane is literally unlanable cuz of np and sk camping behind my tower.

          Still won by the power of my fast pusher familiars


            teach us your ways master class void


              U just buy items and use abilities it's not that hard

              me, government hooker

                last pick brood @ 40 mins btw

                Solo Leveling

                  We had no business winning this game. Power of Visage. our PA was like Crusader lol



                    suprised you won that game tbh

                    lone dog


                      I swear the hardest bracket to climb in is 4.7-4.9 cause it's literally nothing but better smurfs, bought accounts, and people who tanked and either play really well again or decide to fucking grief.
                      It doesn't help that I end up griefing my fair share of games too.


                        Solo queue is so fun, if you dont have people ruining on purpose or picking like mongols you habe this stuff

                        support is literally unplayable


                          you were doing fine. its just that the laning is so bad. wtf is ursa doing mid? you should have stay a lil bit longer in your lane. CK went midas so he wont get online until mid roam too early, as you can see your line up, there is no killing potential against storm and ember, once they hit at level 6. 4 melee is too easy for ember, storm to out position you all during team fight. report that CK. worst CK ever.

                          me, government hooker

                            game vs 5 chinks
                            chinks=garbage morons can only play broken pub heroes
                            they have last pick
                            and oracle bh abadon
                            me:"blue they are gonna pick huskar can u pick him please"
                            blue:*picks monkey*
                            enemy last picks huskar


                            they put sf safelane and huskar mid
                            me:"can u please come trilane mid and get this guy out of here"
                            my supports: *trilane bot and feed bh and abadon somehow*
                            cant get close to any creeps with huskar in lane
                            i go woods
                            team pings me
                            "report ta"

                            this game is so bad


                              whats ur behavior score

                              i didnt see this shit since i started spamming visage on mid 4k


                                greaves huskar is legit

                                me, government hooker

                                  score c
                                  i had ruiners in my team 90% of the games from 5,8 to 5,2

                                  me, government hooker

                                    heres a story
                                    start to play dota again, 7-3 during calibration, calibrate 5650 with score d
                                    climb relatively easy to 5800 in 2 days
                                    hang around there for mb 15-20 games
                                    everything is well, ppl are always playing to win, 0 reports 15+ commends every game, score goes to normal
                                    get lose streak, reported most of the games even tho not toxic and always play to win, get lp
                                    after lp, score is c and everyone is super toxic and ruin games when 1 thing doesnt go their way
                                    lose 600 mmr in unplayable games


                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                      dota is a very bad game sometimes. so i do fear play dota when i find match.


                                        theres no way ure dropping from normal to c after one losestreak + lp, it just doesn't happen

                                        me, government hooker

                                          it did tho


                                            when you have a bad behavior score, do you get bad teammates, or does the enemy have the same behavior score?


                                              well i guess gaben just hates ur guts and personally modified ur bs then else i dont know how can it drop this much after lp because it happens to nobody(because it doesnt work this way)

                                              me, government hooker

                                                i got it from d to normal in like 10 games too i dont understand whats the problem


                                                  are u playing from a new acc?


                                                    people spam pages of games in a row vs bots to raise bs from f to at least some other letter, i never heard of bs fluctuating so much in 10-20 games, usually its the other way around, people cant get out of f in 50 games with <6 reports, and i have never had a letter as my bs even when i got 2 lps in one week

                                                    me, government hooker

                                                      not a new accout although i havent played on it for ~1 year before calibrating

                                                      me, government hooker

                                                        time to win some matchmaking rating
                                                        WHOOPS no can do!! 1st pick safelane divine 2 od has SHOCKING impact!


                                                          actually i have zero clue whats happening today i got super toxic team 5 games in a row where they instantly focused me with the blame for everything

                                                          ofc i got low prio for 2 games


                                                            i swear ranked games have just become unwinnable


                                                            undying offlane LUL, free farm for PL
                                                            somehow we still do well until midgame, because i manage to salvage the game by roaming

                                                            then my alch buys an aghs for puck instead of buying items

                                                            30 mins game is lost because our carry has no items
                                                            even though i snatch aegis we loose rosh fight beause its basically 4 supports and puck

                                                            ever since last weekend games have become unwinnable, maybe having a BC trophy matches you with 50 IQ players only


                                                              ^*50 IQ monkeys


                                                                can someone explain how im supposed to win when my mid tinker "player" decides to run down the mid lane and die 9 times in 10 minutes for 0 fucking reason

                                                                fucking matchmaking


                                                                  5 stack or torture

                                                                  Always go solo because we have no friends LUL


                                                                    stop lie to people , every game is adjusted before it even start,why it search for game for like 10mins or more? because they need this ruiners to ruin ur game , dont make me post here games which r "winnable" fucking adjusted matchmaking soloQ, gl hf trying to raise ur mmr guys..


                                                                      ^r u good?
                                                                      I literally never have issues with feeding (intentionally) ever
                                                                      Not once in a long time

                                                                      Coming up with retarded theories to justify it, blame ur teammates but don't blame Volvo for giving you them wut

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        Can smurfers stop ruining my otherwise easy stomp?

                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                          Now I remember why I stopped playing for a whole week. Just constantly wasting time waiting for reconnections.

                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            Sea server lag is shit

                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                              Their AM disconnected first, so all the pauses were used up for him, while our troll nearly abandons and ends the game 2/9/10 and just ends up solo feeding the whole late game.


                                                                                u seriously need to start playing core, noob/disconnected core will cost u the game, while a noob/disconnected supp wont be as much as a burden to the team

                                                                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                  y i used to be support player but ppl are not reallly good at core. its really complicated.


                                                                           Lol, tried to play pt mmr on eu west server, 300 ping. Now im sure. 2-stack pt mmr is cancerous anywhere


                                                                                      No its just your shit behavior score


                                                                                        how should i dont have behaviour score if im 8k and if i play with 3k , THEY DONT UNDERSTAND GAME , AND IF HE HAVE 1-11 SCORE HE WILL REPORT ME COZ HE IS LOW MMR HOW U CANT GET IT ? I HAVE 22WINS AND 2 LOSES AND I GET 2 TIMES LOW PRIO WHICH MEANS THEY REPORT ME FOR BAD PLAYING AND NOT FOR FLAMING THEM SO I GET MUTE BAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                          is dk playable in pubs




                                                                                              hey arin whats ur pts atm


                                                                                                  hey arin whats ur pts atm

                                                                                                  5k flat but i expect a drop soon due to school and trying to learn dk

                                                                                                  boni top fan

                                                                                                    ^u only need 500 mmr for divine 5


                                                                                                      500 mmr might as well be 5000 when your team holds you back
