General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout "Plus"

About "Plus" in General Discussion

    I don't really get what plus offers to me as a player.
    I am a nooby 3k-ish player.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      What's the plan?


      skip ad


        it offers this icon next to ur name


          probably most useful feature


            it's really useless, it gives nearly nothing

            the amount of data it has in that matchup tab is basically nothing

            rankings doesn't even show your rank unless you're top 300 or something. just shows some kind of a % value

            not to mention the ranking algorithm on dotabuff is basically retarded giving pros with 30 matches a higher rank than someone with 3k matches on a hero.

            plus is basically just a little + next to your name for showing off, it really isn't useful.

            the fact that Opendota has all of these stats, and more/better, for free is just hilarious.

            they made a feature that shows cosmetics

            they wasted programming hours on fucking COSMETIC WINRATES

            just sad

            no new features on the forum what so ever, no useful features with +

            and yet we get the XDDDDDDD COSMETIC STATS XDDDDDDDDDD
