General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk real people

Let's talk real people in General Discussion

    Why people concern themselves in politics even though it doesn't really affect them nor their words would go through the president of the country which when they tell their opinion in social media would sound dumb to many masses and that arises a debate between two stranger?
    asking real question


      You like the middle ages, don't you?

      A democracy lets the people be an active part of politics, no discrimination towards anyone

      No matter how intelligent they are.


        because some people like to think their ideas matter and they have a say in the matter by voting. these debates are the base for understanding who to vote for.


          the hunger games: Mocking Jay presents President Snow as Donald Trump and that white lady which is a rebel that I forgot her name is Hillary Clitton which tricked katniss so she can become president.


            what? this post is trashtalk too and not dota 2 related.


              a democratic country isn't that democratic they're like slapping themselves they voted someone to lead then, later on, they realized that it isn't what they want so they whine like when in dota you think you're good not knowing you have mistakes too


                diox if you don't care you don't need to comment

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Imo only the really loud people are trying to cause a scene. The country I am from has declared martial law for 60 days in a specific region, because of ISIS-connected terrorist groups who are attacking cities in the Southern part of the country. They even burned down a Christian school where 99% of the students were Muslims. That's right, they killed the very people who were educating their children

                  Of course, it's a field day for the press and the pretentious teenage c*nts, those attention-seeking children lmfao. Truth be told ever since our current President took over, crime rates dropped, cities were legit safer, and subsequently the economy showed a little more liveliness. Iirc the satisfaction rates are even better when compared to our last president, who was a total yellow-bellied Democrat who fled to America right after his term ended because people were NOT happy

                  But back to the topic I think many people live for drama. Like they would like to be at the center of it, or at least do something to feel like they're part of it. I don't know. What they are doing helps though, it promotes a free-thinking atmosphere where the voices of the people are heard. Some just take it too far


                    I can understand your apathy. But politics is a major part of society. Of course ppl are gonna talk about it.


                      Some people like to speak out on the issues that are personal to them. This might have a more profound effect than you think because once that opinion is out there other people will get engaged with the issue at least on some level. Say a friend of mine brings up an issue of that I am unfamiliar with due to informational overload that is fairly widespread due to the amount of information available at the tip of our fingers. If that opinion is well-put, and backed-up by some rationale it might impact my voting behaviour as I will now also be considering the position of any given candidate on that issue. And if I don't care about it I can always shut that out. Don't mistake your apathy for lack of concern from other people. Any opinion has a value, even if it's erroneous there is value in debunking it. You should familiarize yourself with John Stuart Mill's Marketplace of Ideas analogy I think that would help you understand the value in expressing your opinion.

                      I am 12 btw


                        apathy? naye it's not, I deeply care about the politics on the country I live. my only concern is my fellow countrymen we're telling their opinions with so little back-up to support their belief and with so little logic from both side they both think they're right so debunking is out of the choice they'll just continue fighting with no solid back-up thus repeating what they said with different words


                          when they got cornered they'll attack the other side personally which would trigger another thing to fight on and it's stupid


                            actually everyone in the country I live in thinks they're right probably me too tho some of us chooses to just shutup and bring popcorn while scrolling in the social media war. I'm dmbfounded how can they still fight with lack of words I mean knowledge of the topic i feel bad about people being stpd it's like having a kanser