General Discussion

General Discussiondesolator bloodseeker

desolator bloodseeker in General Discussion

    it good?

    Pale Mannie

      i guess. saw someone build it and he did some serious damage with it. may be not good since he was snowballing

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Not a pusher
        Got pure damage skills
        I don't think it synergizes with him at all

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Deso is like for heroes that can stay in fight and dish out the damage constantly
          While Bloodseeker is like hit and run and not getting hit by spells


            bloodrage is a multiplicative amplifier

            armor reduction scales with that, also multpiplicatively, giving you some scary numbers

            i guess it just my style, i for some reason like to bloodrage myself and go into shadow blade to punch people with the extra damage, giving myself some immediate thirst buffs.

            Riguma Borusu

              The problem with desolator on blood seeker is that when it is most relevant, you are very vulnerable. And you can dish out respectable damage even if you go with a statish/tanky build, going for stuff like SnY Blademail etc.

              Basically, BS should not have damage problems early game, and he isn't exactly going to burst people down that easily with his kit, but he isn't supposed to, unless you go the dagon build (which can only be safe once you know you can keep your distance and hit & run).

              That being said, a -damage build is not bad by any means, or if you are playing against a -armor strat, going deso solar ac is not bad at all, the problem is that the timings are fucked up, since you need an armor item asap, not deso, which means that you either get an early medallion into crest or a platemail, which delays your deso, etc... I guess if you have a competent team behind you, you can go bloodseeker mid with deso, but at that point I wonder why you didn't just pick TA.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I had a game where WK build MoM ShadowBlade Deso
                Damn, it's brainded OP Just invis in HIT and Stun then Berserk chop chop
                Since you're such a Deso fan you could try that


                  or u can buy desolator on pa, ta, weaver, lifestealer, or clinx and win


                    He actually pushes really well with it. It's decent if you can quickly follow it up with a good defensive item like AC, but usually you will be a running meat for too long.


                      only if you're retarded


                        The big problem with going deso is that you then have zero survivability. Deso just provides damage, something that bs isn't lacking. I think it's probably much better to go solar crest.

                        Story Time

                          just build Solar if u want armor reduction, it will give you some tankiness at the same time.. and let desolator to be picked by you mid or someone appropriate because eventually the team needs only one desolator


                            bloodseeker is a retarded hero anyway, so why not?


                              i think i might try skadi ac build next time instead of desolator,


                                ah deso. normal skills' favourite item.


                                  well its rly good in normal skill so


                                    but, if im not buying desolator but instead im going for something defensice, is the damage talent better than +225HP?


                                      BS is too weak on manfighting people. Worst carry to be a right clicker. I can even say invoker has more potential to right click than bloodseeker. LUL.