General Discussion

General Discussionbattlecup autistic stack

battlecup autistic stack in General Discussion

    I want to play BC for the quest this saturday on EU tier 4/5 i can play pos 3/5/666

    stack up go teamspeak play a couple of practice matches then win the thing ez

    I already won 2 but not with this messy account so come people

    no people that post in ayy lmao allowed btw
    preferably russians/turks with no english knowledge thanks


      im not sure but we might need 1 player for tier 6, eu


        ok ill get my 5k main account kappa


          quick take the opportunity to win battle cup while spunki's still t6 until the end of season


            i wrote tier 4/5

            and he shaves his legs so even talking with him on TS is highly questionable imo

            also im not playing with people below 3k. i dont want to have to explain how to pull creeps midgame or that LS can be played as carry and doesnt have to farm jungle when there is a lane to farm, only because ha has a lifesteal ability


              also im not playing with people below 3k

              Tier 4 is 2k


                i know?


                  ? im not shaving my legs wtf


                    Only if you want me to play with 300 ping at 3 am and give me my first pick antimage