General Discussion

General DiscussionShaky weak hands, inability to focus

Shaky weak hands, inability to focus in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    I just played a game as Juggernaut and it was fairly intense. Something I noticed was that my hands get very weak when I am playing difficult games and I start losing accuracy with clicks.
    I also end up having this tunnel vision sort of thing where I it feels like I am out of breathe and unable to focus during team fights.
    This is the first time I am actually writing it is happening but I know for a fact that it always happens and it always ends up in me misclicking at some point.
    Does anyone have this sort of thing? Or how do you deal with it?


      exercise my dear


        IDK but when clashes are really intense I sometimes forget to breathe but no misclicks tho.


          Probably anxiety.


            By having nerves of steel
            Give less fucks
            Chill the fuck out


              Anxiety on a pub game? You okay man?

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I have tension playing carry pos 1 or pos 2, because I don't play the role much. It's a big responsibility for me to play a carry since I decide the outcome of the game.

                But I don't feel as near to death as you do
                So what I do is make a smurf acc and play carry with people noober than me so I will be more familiar and confident playing the role
                Then I got used to it, but it's hard keeping up both roles to my MMR tho


                  Weak hands and loss of focus, most probably caused by anxiety.

                  Anxiety on a pub game? You okay man?

                  No need to make yourself look like an ass. I'm not the one with weak hands and loss of focus.




                      get urself a doctor

                      Dead Game, Don't Care

                        Stop masturbating, man.


                          sounds like over focus, adrenaline. nothing unusual

                          Dire Wolf

                            Just remember you are anonymous so who cares if you win lose or what the other players think?


                              It's actually true. Snu is right. It does look like anxiety


                                I'll be more worried about being out of breath. You need to think about PE if it is a prolonged session of gaming.

                                Story Time

                                  . It's a big responsibility for me to play a carry since I decide the outcome of the game.

                                  are you high or just kidding? Since when carry decides the outcome of the game?


                                    man if ure that anxious in a videogame u should rly consider going to a doctor because u gonna get fucked if those isseus carry over to rl


                                      Yeah, sounds like anxiety especially if it's related to what's happening (teamfights) or if you're playing position 1. I usually support so I get super nervous if I have to play a core too. I'd suggest just practicing in bot games to get really comfortable with your hero, using the mute button liberally if other people are tilting you, take frequent breaks between games, and make sure to eat and drink enough water. You can also look up some breathing exercises if you want, you could do them during the game during downtime. Also seconding the suggestions to see a doctor, for now this may only be affecting your dota but it could eventually affect other areas of your life too. Anxiety attacks are no joke.


                                          My hands used to shake when in public...but its ok now.
                                          Over time it goes away, as long as youre doing that what scares you


                                            Just chill broskie.


                                              Also could be because you're not eating correctly


                                                His palms are sweaty


                                                  Knees weak


                                                    Arms are heavy


                                                      Oh I thought 3 people wrote those lines but it was only (TIBDP). Would've been so cool he it were 3 though. Anyway, as the 1st comment suggests try heavylifting. It will definitely help imho

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        i used to have smth like that too, ladder anxiety, fear of fucking up mechanically, sometimes even light shivering on the pre-game screen
                                                        when i got more busy and started playing less during the year dota stopped being a priority and i just gave less fucks about it and eventually came to realisation that its just a fucking video game and opinion of ppl u meet for the first and probably last time ever is worth zilch

                                                        i suggest that u either find some another occupation so dota wont be that important or just despite anxiety queue so many games per day u genuinely stop giving a fuck


                                                          Adrenaline - nothing to worry about. I know some people who get a rush when they play certain games where they are really "into it". It's the body going into fight or flight mode.


                                                            I would say it's most likely directly caused by adrenaline however there coild very likely be some under lying anxiety however the direct culprit here is most likely adrenaline , a little adrenaline will actaully make you play better however it looks like at times you are getting too much . I personally like some good ol adrenaline it helps you stay sharper as long as it don't start panicking or get the shakes like your experiencing . I get some adrenaline when public speaking lines that are hard to Remember but I appreciate that little bit of adrenaline that kicks in to help keep me on my game . However if I am just giving some off the cuff briefing I don't tend to get much adrenaline but honestly if you don't got to remember your lines who care aye .


                                                              I have this problem too. When ever i go for solo kill or big plays my hand and my brain would go to retard mode. My solution to focus only on the objective likewho should i kill can i solo kill him etc, or think how could i go out from this situation

                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                yea i used to get a nice rush of adrenaline playing dotes but after awhile it goes away. thats part of the fun anyways so just embrace it


                                                                  I just play dota, I've only experienced something this intense in maybe a throne race or itll be a game losing dieback and it's super close.

                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    Anxiety attacks are no joke.

                                                                    But you won't get anxiety if you can meme while grinding.
