General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden Support?

Arc Warden Support? in General Discussion

    Is dis gud idea?


      please stop

      Yung Beethoven

        well, arc warden needs lvl and items to be relevant and as a support you lack both. Also: arc wardens ulti really thrives on active Items. And as a support you mostly have not that much.

        so i wouldnt recommend it


          @ OP

          staph or you are going to make Cuckie cry


            plez, ma poor heart can't take this


              eat a cookie, mehw

              Yung Beethoven

                Just to mention: Pipe of Insight can be used several times by the same team, which means that if your shield got destoryed you can use it again with your ultimate. Which means ( obviously ) you got a 800 magic dmg shield for your whole team, which sounds ( on paper ) pretty good. Just an idea for a support warden.

                But it is still underwhelming, as i mentioned above.


                  yep also you get 2 greaves and 2 crimson wish sound ( on paper ) pretty except that am pretty sure there's limit time before you can take effect from crimson / greave again :v if this time limit thing is wrong that makes arc pretty damm good support with high farming speed :v


                    No, a bad idea


                      I saw like jungle arc player with an constant 8min midas and 700 av gpm


                        How does urn works on duplicate? support iz lyf


                          oh and you get twice the urn charges damm nikki that arc idea is smart some one has to test it tho and make a video of how hard its gonna fail then upload it here for cookie to watch it lol


                            i just love this forum, someone asks a stupid question then the low mmr players amplify that stupidity.


                              if the main has charges the double copies those charges
                              if the double is closest it gets charges from the kill then when it dies it eats the charges

                              dont do support warden, wasted potential on what is easily the strongest mid/late carry


                                just imagine - not all time you can use arc spells (especially first) with impact if enemy know how avoid flux effect, and now imagine you are lvl 4 arc at 10 min and enemy know how to avoid your spells and what you gonna do ? place wards? by this logic you can play every hero as support and waiting your team will carry you


                                  cookie its dota... that's why am 1k not 4k after all :v
                                  btw all comments was simply jokking.. dont take it to the heart.


                                    cookie is triggered rofl


                                      nope really nope


                                        if you aren't punished for that greedy pos4 arc warden in the first 10-15 min of game, you pretty much won the game. But apart from fs, (mb hex) no need to play with a support item build


                                          Someone mentioned jungle arc. So I'm thinking pos 4 roaming arc rushing Midas doesn't sound that bad. U have that annoying ass slow and nuke.


                                            I can feel cuki triggering intensifying


                                              Stack spark wraith and play like techies


                                                ursa support next

                                                Player 368673122

                                                  as opposed to the way arc is already played, i've only ever seen one other way to play him and i don't even think it was intentional -
                                                  we shut down arc early game and stomped them to avoid a late game and tried to siege high ground at 20ish minutes to no success cause of them having arc's circle + tinker

                                                  long story short the game dragged on to be an hour or so with tinker being the dominant reason why we couldn't end
                                                  arc got no farm and had no space whatsoever, just help the tinker defend - assuming the game was other he ended up getting dagon to mimic tinker
                                                  eventually he ended up with dagon 5 octarine blink and eblade .... same as tinker with hex minus the octarine

                                                  oh my fucking god - as if tinker rearming dagon 5 eblade isnt a headfuck already but an arc clone blinking to eblade dagon 5 everytime it's off cd is tilting a/f especially since you only get a bounty wasting effort into killing the clone before it expires
                                                  and to top it off, when jumping the real arc - expect at least one to go down as itll be a double eblade , dagon 5 nuke to whoever's visible
                                                  get lotus orbs, use it once to get eblade off, second eblade coming right at you, your mate uses lotus on you, tinker's eblade comin at you next, linken pops from unlimited sources including flux.... then watching the meant-to-be safelane carry arc tickle your towers cause you're dead or healing - oh and bkbs are at 5 seconds so how fun is that

                                                  im pretty sure i remember throwing this game in subtle manner thinking ... yea there's a chance we're gonna lose this ... yeah screw this, we SHOULD lose cause we had one job. END. EARLY.


                                                    play it like a 4th core buying wards or whatever and if they dont punish it you won anyway